Home Quiz It’s Time For A Quiz Which Watch Is Different?

It’s Time For A Quiz Which Watch Is Different?


The quiz below is a brainteaser that requires speed and attentiveness. You have a maximum of 20 seconds to take a look at the picture and to identify the odd one. Yes, they might all look the same but there is one that is different. Can you spot it? Let’s start the clock and make sure you look very closely. Ready? Set! Go!



Can you find the odd one? You have 20 seconds

Tic..Toc…Can you see it? If you can’t find it, don’t worry. We have the solution at the end of this article.

So, how sharp is your brain?

Have you been able to find something odd? We hope you paid attention to all the details.




















The correct answer is: Watch Number 1. On the first watch the numbers 6 and 12 were changed. Were you able to see the difference? And did it take you longer than 20 seconds?