Home Life Vintage Photos That Show Just How Different High School Was in the...

Vintage Photos That Show Just How Different High School Was in the 1950s

Since the 1930s, going to high school has been a defining feature of adolescence. High schools served as social incubators for trends, fads, and even entire subcultures. And, in the 1950s, the high school curriculum and health and safety regulations were handled very differently than they are today. Here are nine photographs that demonstrate how different high school was for children in the 1950s.

1. Bikes Unchained

Many high kids in the 1950s walked to school. Some even rode their bikes, which they left leaned against buildings and pillars without locks or chains. It was a very different period than now, when even locked bikes are not safe from thieves.

2. Flimsy Football Helmets

While football is still a dangerous sport, we can all agree that helmets are far superior to what they once were, as evidenced by the image below.

3. Real Home Ec Classes

As the importance of being a housewife declined throughout the twentieth century, so did financing for home economics education. However, throughout the 1950s and 1960s, girls were taught to sew, decorate, prepare whole meals, and arrange their living spaces as part of their home economics courses.

4. Boxing Teams

Many schools have boxing clubs and teams. Parents used to take a quite different approach to potential school-related injuries. Because boxing is such a dangerous activity, it is rarely seen in schools these days.

5. Girls Had to Wear Skirts

Almost all schools had severe dress standards that prevented girls from wearing anything other than dresses or skirts. Even in the cold, female pupils were not allowed to wear pants.

6. Any School Worth Its Salt Had a Majorette Troop

Drum majorettes were dressed in satin costumes with fringe, white boots, bright hats with feathers, and other accessories to make them dazzle and shine at school occasions. And let us not forget the baton twirling!

7. Library Time

Back then, children had library time, which was their sole research resource. They all learned how to use the card catalog and the Dewey Decimal System.

8. Trophies Were Given Out for Various Events

Back then, awards were awarded in more than just regional events. Competitions were organized within schools, and the victor was often presented with a little trophy.

9. Basketball

Basketball teams wore Converse Chuck Taylors or PF Flyers, and the gymnasium bleachers were full for every game. High school sports were a big part of the community back then.