Home Life 7 Female Behaviors That Men Love The Most

7 Female Behaviors That Men Love The Most

Women play a very vital role in the life of everyone. Without them, the world would not exist and life would indeed be boring. In addition, dear men, women are the topic of most of the jokes and you would probably laugh less if women would not be there. But at the end of the day, women take care of you and support you in good and bad times. You may complain as much as you wish but you would still love your girl. So, here are the 7 women behaviors that men love the most

1. Laying head on his chest

Men’s love when their partner hugs him tightly by resting her head on his chest. Yes, this act warms the bond between couples even more. And, he feels a sense of safety that makes him feel excellent.

2. Getting playful with his hair

Yes, guys love and adore this behavior of women a lot. Women do this act to show love and men are almost smitten by this behavior. Especially, when both are in a beautiful conversation and then right in-between to make it more sweet, girls love being cuddling caressing their partner; of course to show the love and fondness.

3. Making him feel important in public

No one likes to be unnoticed. Right? Well, when men’s are given proper attention by his lady-love “in public” then this makes him feel good and also this gives him self-assurance that he is important. E.g. holding hands in public works out healthy.

4. A little madness

Yes! Men’s love when his partner playfully hits him on the shoulder. They just love this little madness and later they take on this with a sweet little fight to make it more exciting. (Wink!)

5. Sending texts during outings

If their partner leaves a sweet loving texts even when is she busy, shows him that she thinks about him in a busy schedule too.

6. Paying attention

Guys go weak on their knees when their girl friends ideally listens to their stories and thoughts. Women paying attention towards her partners talks makes him feel like yes “his words do matter” and you value it.

7. Loving gaze

Men love when their women secretly keep gazing at them. And, once he catches her doing so it makes him suddenly smile/blush about it. Well, in short guys love these sweet little lovable stares.

What is your say on these cute female behaviors towards their partners? Let us know in comments below.