Home relationship Why your husband doesn’t want to spend time with you

Why your husband doesn’t want to spend time with you

Do you feel like your husband is emotionally drifting away from you? Maybe, his once undivided attention on you is waning now; maybe he seems always to have reasons to avoid staying with you… You are plagued by negative thoughts like “He no longer cares about me!”, and “He does not love me!”; even you may start to feel resentful towards him. You think spending quality time together is a constant trait that every marriage should have, and you would not like to compromise on it.

If you are confused about why your husband does not want to spend time with you, the reasons below may guide you

1. He’s dissatisfied with the relationship

Maybe your husband has reservations about your compatibility. Maybe he’s unhappy in the marriage, and he doesn’t know how to fix it.

When he doesn’t know what to do, he hides his feelings and hides from you.

2. He’s cheating on you

There’s a chance that your husband is cheating on you if you’ve felt like he’s trying to avoid you all of a sudden.

The key element here is that something has changed rather suddenly. He seems different, distant, and off. He’s avoiding you because he’s going behind your back.

He’s being dishonest, disloyal, and lying to you. Naturally, he’d want to spend as little time around you as possible. If that’s the case.

3. Your husband is under pressure from himself

When a woman feels overwhelmed by pressure, she is inclined to unburden her soul to others; but a man’s reaction is probably to withdraw and try to figure things out on his own; at that time, he does not want others to disturb him. This type of reaction may make his woman feel like he has emotionally checked out of the relationship. And a man may have never exhibited this uncomfortable trait when he and his woman were at a cozy stage of dating. At that stage, he was very aware that he needed to bring out his best in front of his beloved; likewise, when a relationship is still unstable, a woman may also try to avoid uncovering something bad/negative about her true personality in front of her man; so this should not be regarded as a man’s hypocrisy.

4. He doesn’t know how to bring something up

Sometimes guys just don’t know how to say things. They can’t find the words to properly articulate their feelings, an issue, or a problem.

So his solution might be to avoid you, to not spend time around you. It’s easier than figuring out how to bring something up.

5. He finds you boring

In a long-term relationship, familiarity can be both a blessing and a curse. It can be a blessing because familiarity can help a spouse predict the other one’s likes, dislikes, needs, and reactions to things that are going to happen. But on the other hand, it can also make a spouse play against the other as it robs the sense of mystery, surprise, and romance; when a couple started dating, a spouse may find everything that the other did exciting and fascinating; but after years of married life, a spouse may feel that everything in the relationship seems to become dull and even boring. Especially for a husband who has been married for years, his woman may realize a great loss of his affection towards her.

6. He has already developed other priorities

Your man could act withdrawn because he has changed his priorities. And there are a lot of things that can cause him to do so; for example, a man may love competition and like the feeling of winning, so sometimes he may get carried away by such a strong urge to a degree where he ignores other aspects of his life and even starts to fall apart. In such a case, he tends to act withdrawn because he has changed his priorities. In other words, sometimes there is something he puts above spending time with you; maybe your man does also not realize that you feel ignored by him.

7. Your husband is going through a hard time

A long-term relationship can not always be rosy and that it inevitably goes through rough patches; sometimes, when a spouse experiences loss or failure that is outside of the relationship, it can result in marital turbulence. If this is your man’s case, you do not have to ask him to be fully open about it because his ego may have become very fragile at that point; furthermore, you had better not complain that he grieves for too long; this will only make him feel invalidated. When you don’t proactively validate his grievous feelings, he does not feel like he is your significant half, therefore, he may pull further away from you emotionally.