Home Life Why It’s Awesome To Have An Elder Sister

Why It’s Awesome To Have An Elder Sister

You may not realize this yet but having an older sister in your life is the best thing that can happen to you. It is having a friend that you can talk to whenever you feel like it. It’s having a partner in crime who will always look out for you. It’s having a soulmate who will always be there for you.

But more importantly, it is having someone who will always love you unconditionally, no matter what.

All things considered, family is really everything.

If you still need more reasons to believe that your bigger sister is the most important person in your life, keep reading

1. You are blessed with two mothers from the start!

Yes your elder sister is just like your mother who takes care of you in every possible way. She will be there for you without any fail. Even though she may be just a few years elder to you but she will make you feel the warmth that only a mother can make you feel.

2. She’s the best teammate ever!

Yes you both truly work as a team all your life, where you are the lazy one and your elder sister, the most responsible one. She will save you from all the troubles coming your way. Whether it’s a night out that you’ve planned with your friends or a party you have to attend, she’ll ensure you already have your parents’ consent for the same.

3. She’s your guarding angel!

She’ll protect you like a daddy. Be it school or home, you know you are safe because your big sister is there for you. She’ll be by your side just like an angel protecting you from everything that can possibly harm you.

4. She’ll give you the best advice always!

From what to wear or you career decisions, you sister will have the best advice for you that will be worth following. Your big sister knows better and would never want you to look stupid, so you can always rely on her with even closed eyes.

5. You know she always has your back!

Admit it sometimes we become really careless at home because we know we have someone who always has our back. She’s not there just as a support but also as a force that brings the best in you. She’ll motivate you like no one does, she’ll make you believe in yourself and will always try to make you a better person. We are truly blessed to have elder sisters.

6. She’s the reason your parents aren’t hard on you!

You know why your parents are easier on you, don’t you? Well because they went through the same drill with your elder sister and knows exactly how even you gonna react so anything you do will not shock them. Well because they now understand, it’s all gonna happen as you grow up too. So now you know whom to thank right?

7. She will never let you have a hard time!

To be honest I have realized having an elder sister eases a lot of tension from your mind, be it about taking financial help or any suggestions you need, your sister will always be there for you. I have been bailed out of so many situation because I have elder sisters who always have been there by my side and never let me face any troubles alone. And am sure that happens with everyone around who has an elder sister. We may not say it often but we are lucky people honestly because we have such an amazing and bestest gift our parents gave us.

8. She is one person who will love you all your life!

No matter how much you fought with her, no matter how many times you have taken her for granted, one thing will never change and that’s the love of your sister. You will never grow up for your elder sister and shall remain her younger sibling forever and they would never stop looking out for you. Aren’t they a blessing in your life?

Well I’m blessed with not just one but 4 elder sisters and I truly know how it feels to have them in our life.

We may grow up, we may be far but the love and moments we have shared with our elder sisters will always remain the same.

Thank you not just to my sisters but all the sisters around the world for making us feel special and treating us like princess/prince all our life.

We know you guys made our life so much easier, trust me we owe you a lot.

Cheers to all the elder sisters around! You guys are real ‘Super Heroines !

References: thepowerofsilence.co, youngisthan.in