Home Life This Woman’s Life-Changing Nose Surgery Completely Transformed Her Appearance

This Woman’s Life-Changing Nose Surgery Completely Transformed Her Appearance

This Woman’s Life-Changing Nose Surgery Completely Transformed Her Appearance

Let’s face it, no one’s blessed with perfect skin. Acne, wrinkles, under-eye circles, and other unsightly blemishes plague us all at one point or another. Nevertheless, sometimes these maladies can turn from bothersome to emotionally paralyzing. Here’s how one brave woman is working through her rare condition.

Pamela, a mother of two, used to have great skin, UNTIL hormones set in around age 15. Since then, she has struggled with acne. But, it wasn’t until after her teenage years that she started experiencing the worst of it.

At age 46, Pamela Ichard is afraid to leave the house.

After the birth of her second child, she started to notice that the shape of her nose was changing. Pamela was then diagnosed with a very severe form of rosacea called rhinophyma, an inflammatory skin condition that can leave sufferers with a “bulbous” nose.

Her diagnosis had such a profound effect on her overall appearance that it completely shattered her self-esteem. In an interview with The Doctors back in October, Pamela tearfully described her struggle with rhinophyma. She said, “It has stopped me from leaving the house. I’ve had anxiety for a long time.”

Pamela originally contacted the show in hopes that she would find a cure for her condition, and, lucky for her, the team was able to hook her up with a dermatologist who was willing to help her through her journey.

In order to achieve the look that she used to have, Pamela learned that the treatment would have to be a bit invasive. You see, though rhinophyma can be treated with topical creams when caught in its earliest stages, patients like her need surgical intervention to help decrease the nose to its original size.

Since she had stepped up and bravely shared her story with the world, the panel rewarded her with the help that she needed!

Fast-forward several months later. Dr. Ann Zedlits, the dermatologist on the case, and Pamela herself are back on The Doctors to speak with the panel about the results. And boy, are they unbelievable! She’s barely recognizable post-surgery.

So, how did the good doctor approach this tough case? The dermatologist explains that she was able to treat Pamela’s condition in three stages, using a blend of CO2 therapy, Ulthera (a skin-tightening procedure), fillers, and eventually oral medications that were prescribed to dry up oils and shrink her pores. Amazing stuff!

Now, we think that you’ve got to see this entire transformation to believe it! To witness Pamela’s heartwarming medical success story:

What do you think of Pamela’s change? Are you a sufferer of rhinophyma yourself? If so, what type of treatment have you undergone to help the condition? Tell us all about your thoughts and experiences in the comments section below!

Source: tiphero.com, people.com