Home News Sweet Grandma “Adopts” 5-Yr-Old She’s Never Met On Long-Haul Flight.

Sweet Grandma “Adopts” 5-Yr-Old She’s Never Met On Long-Haul Flight.

The connections we create that we least expect sometimes end up being the best ones. This is a lesson that Nicola and her child recently learned. It all started with a particularly long flight from Africa to Canada.

Nicola was traveling there on a humanitarian trip with her child. A lengthy flight like this one can be stressful, as you can understand. Luckily, a grandma on their flight was happy to take her little one under her wing.

On the plane, this nice woman and Nicola’s child were seated next to one other. According to Nicola, the woman didn’t speak English. But they didn’t need to speak the same language for her to comfort the child as she slept.

“I would like to request an emotional support Nonna for my next flight,” one person wrote in the comment section, sharing a sentiment we’re all feeling.

As for Nicola and her child, they’re sure to never forget this flight or the special Nonna who helped make their flight a genuine delight.

“No words were exchange between my 5 year old and this sweet lady in the seat next to her,” Nicola says. “Just pure love, comfort and human kindness, something the world needs more than ever now.”

Grandma Comforts Little Girl On Long Flight Back to Canada

Needless to say, the video showcasing their interaction has gone viral, melting the hearts of folks from all around the globe.