Home Life People with dimples not only shine beauty, but also have good fortune...

People with dimples not only shine beauty, but also have good fortune in life.

Dimples are a special feature that few people possess. Girls or boys with dimples look extremely charming, radiating attraction to others. In physiognomy, this is a precious feature that brings a lot of luck to the client.

So what are dimples? Its meaning in physiognomy, below are some details about dimples:

1. What are dimples?

A dimple is a small hollow in the cheek area, formed by the skin on the facial muscles sticking to the connective tissue in the lower layer of the skin.

Dimples can appear on both cheeks, or just one. This trait is quite common, but not everyone has it. This small difference still affects the beauty of the face.

2. The concept of dimples in Eastern – Western culture

In East-West culture, dimples are associated with stories and legends that are deeply spiritual.

In Eastern culture

Legend has it that when people die, their souls will be transferred to another world, governed by the King of Hell. When passing through the Demon Gate Pass, they must drink the water of death to forget the memories of this life on earth so they can be reincarnated.

However, many people are still attached to this world and don’t want to forget, so they begged the King of Hell not to drink the Water of Vong Tinh. These people will be marked by indentations on their cheeks.

In Western culture

In Western countries, there is a legend that dimples are marked by Venus on someone’s face, with the meaning of rebirth, protection, and support.

Therefore, people with dimples are said to have good fate and will have a lot of luck because they are protected by a guardian angel in work and life.

3. The meaning of dimples in human physiognomy


People with dimples are mostly very friendly, approachable, and kind. They have the advantage of appearance and charming faces, so they are very attractive to everyone around them. Plus good communication skills will help build many relationships.

They are also kind, straightforward people, willing to help someone to the best of their ability. Even when they themselves suffer disadvantages, they never compare or calculate. Therefore, people with dimples are loved by everyone wherever they go.


With their skillful communication skills combined with their agility and agility, they are suitable for doing business, selling, and persuading others. Having an advantage in appearance, these people also have more opportunities at work.

They are energetic and enthusiastic with every assigned job. When I was young, I was not afraid of difficulties or suffering, I wanted to experience and try everything. However, their weakness is that they easily give up and get bored quickly. After a period of struggling and going through many challenges without getting the expected results, only after reviewing yourself can you improve.


As people who easily attract the other person’s attention, the love life of people with dimples is also very favorable. They have many choices for themselves, and have the opportunity to meet and interact with many people.

Because they are quite picky and cautious, they often get married later. But it helps them find suitable companions.

4. Types of dimples

In physiognomy, the following types of dimples are mentioned:

Dimple on the right cheek

People with dimples on the right cheek have an agile, energetic, and enthusiastic personality. They like to explore, explore, and build many relationships around them. Most of these are people with a more extroverted lifestyle.

Men with dimples on the right cheek are very confident and have the ability to persuade others. They are also decisive in their work, doing everything clearly and with a plan.

A woman with a dimple on the right cheek is someone who values marriage and family. They are very skillful and are the emotional bridge for everyone in the house.

Dimple on the left cheek

People with dimples on the left cheek are good at speaking, they radiate positive energy that easily attracts others.

If you are a woman, you will be lucky in love, finding someone who loves and protects you. In family life, they are also very skillful, becoming a solid support base for their husbands.

If you are a man with a dimple on the left, you are a multi-talented and brave person. They are often successful in many fields, have many sources of income at the same time, and never have to worry about money.

Dimples on both sides

People who have dimples on both left and right cheeks are very smart and ambitious in work and life. They aim for big goals, make constant efforts and hard work to reap their own results.

This person is often successful in his career and is loved and respected by everyone. In life, there will be noble people supporting you, and bad things will turn into good things. In terms of personality, they are also very kind and will do their best to help anyone.

In general, people with dimples, whether on one or both sides, have charming beauty and good fortune. However, that does not really accurately reflect the root of the problem, luck is only a part, future fate depends on each person’s efforts.

* Article information is for reference and contemplation purposes only