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People who have these 7 personality traits are more likely to c.h.e.a.t on you

It is commonly known that there’re no guarantees for eternal fidelity. However, it may be a hard nut to swallow that it’s sometimes ourselves who are driving our partner into the arms of another. It may be perfectly obvious if you think about it — not everyone is a #perfectmatch, but there’s actually a bit more to it: Just as there’re traits associated with c.h.e.a.t.i.n.g, there’re a few traits associated with being c.h.e.a.t.e.d on. How to know if you’re in the danger zone? Let’s find out. Here’s 7 personality traits commonly found in people who are caught cheating in marriages and romantic relationships.

1. Narcissism

Narcissism isn’t an easy thing to define. Similarly, spotting can also be difficult, especially during the early part of a relationship.

This isn’t the place for a deep dive into the narcissistic personality type, but here are few markers to watch out for:

– Self-absorbed
– Egotistical
– A lack of empathy
– Manipulative

Being romantically involved with a true narcissist is something else entirely, but if your partner consistently displays the above traits, you should probably still be on your guard against the possibility of infidelity. It’s sad to say, but someone who’s this self-involved is capable of almost anything.

2. People Have Difficulty Controlling Impulses

People who crave an adrenaline rush might use c.h.e.a..ti.n.g to get it. Being with someone who is not only new and different, but forbidden, and avoiding detection can be a thrill ride. They are living on the edge, trying to keep their two lives from colliding. People who have difficulty with impulse control in particular – whether it be because of ADHD, or experiencing a head injury that altered their personality – might be more prone to c.h.e.a.t.i.n.g as well, because they have a hard time letting a tempting moment pass.

3. Flirtatiousness

Although being attentive and charming is one thing, persistent flirtatiousness can be a strong indicator of future infidelity. Those who flirt a lot like to give and receive attention, sometimes at the expense of their partners’ feelings.

And while you probably shouldn’t read too much into occasional flirting, it is something to be wary of if your relationship shows other signs of trouble.

4. People are Dependent On Others

This kind of people may be more likely to cheat, because they need affirmation, possibly more than can be gotten from a long-term relationship. As we know, long-term committed relationships take work, and if they are not nurtured regularly, then people, especially dependent personalities, tend to be ripe for attention from someone outside the relationship that is more attentive. That’s exactly the reason why making your relationship a priority, and ensuring everyone feels listened to, is the best way to keep a relationship healthy.

5. Greediness

If your partner demonstrates greed in many of his or her dealings with others, it could be a sign of future infidelity. This is especially true if their greed is paired with a “grass is always greener on the other side” mentality.

These two qualities are unpleasant enough on their own. But when you find them merged within one person, they could comprise a disturbing tendency.

It’s an ugly truth to contend with, but some people believe they deserve more than others. The source of this sense of entitlement varies from person to person, but a partner who’s driven by greed is probably not a partner you should trust without justification.

6. People Are Afraid Of Breaking Up With Someone

Some people may feel that a relationship no longer satisfies their needs, but they do not feel like they can assert themselves to bring it to a close. Then they might c.h.e.a.t in order to gain a satisfying connection with someone or in secret hopes that their c.h.e.a.t.i.n.g will come to light and cause their partner to end the relationship for them.

7. Insecurity

While a certain amount of self-doubt is reasonable and healthy, a partner with deep insecurities can be a real problem.

This is especially true regarding infidelity. In most cases, deep feelings of insecurity stem from large reserves of pain, and unfortunately, some people are willing to c.h.e.a.t on their partner to soothe this pain for a while.

That’s the reason why it’s wise to watch out if your partner is excessively insecure. Someone that remains hurt for long periods of time might not think twice about hurting you. All by itself, insecurity doesn’t guarantee that your partner will be unfaithful. However, it could be an indicator of future infidelity if it occurs in tandem with one or more of the other traits on our list.