Home Health I Slept With An Onion In My Sock And This Is What...

I Slept With An Onion In My Sock And This Is What Happened

I Slept With An Onion In My Sock And This Is What Happened

There are a number of old wives’ tales that seem too good to be true (and crazy, of course!). They don’t have any logical meaning, but somehow they still work!

And this post will be about something similar – trust me, people really believe it!

So let me introduce you to the story of the onion and the sock! Wondering how it can even benefit you? Then go ahead and read this post!

Putting onions in socks may sound odd, but some people swear it’s a cure for infections, such as a cold or the flu.

According to folk medicine, if you have a cold or flu, all you have to do is cut a red or white onion into circles, place them on the soles of your feet and put on a pair of socks. Leave the socks on overnight while you sleep. In the morning, you will wake up to cure your illness.

But why the feet?

There is a vast amount of nerve endings in the soles of the feet, which serve as pathways to vital organs. According to traditional medicine, these connection points are called meridians. They act as a powerful electrical circuit that, when stimulated, provides access to the rest of the body. Because of this, it is believed that, by sleeping with onions on the soles of your feet, you can transfer all the beneficial properties of the onions to the rest of the body. It is believed that by doing so, the onion slices can open the meridians located on the bottom of each foot, and draw out toxins, bacteria and sickness. And, as mentioned before, it can purify the blood and even help reduce foot odour.

The image below clearly represents the meridians and their connection points with the organs and systems within the body.

These meridians act as powerful electric circuits within the body, but are often dormant as we mostly cover our feet with footwear. Stimulating these meridians is very important for our body to function healthily.

To stimulate the bottom of our feet and to ground ourselves with the earth’s negative ion field, it is always recommended to walk barefoot wherever and whenever you can!

One of the coolest ways to stimulate these meridians is to put an onion slice inside your socks (at the bottom of your feet) and wear them to bed.

Here’s how you can do it:

Take an onion (red or white) and cut it into thin, flat slices (make sure it’s organic to avoid any pesticide side effects like fungal infections).
Put the onion slice in your sock (under your feet, like a pedestal) and sleep as you normally would.

When you sleep, the healing properties of onions will be absorbed by the feet, and this will help stimulate the meridians.

Onions are considered a natural remedy for various ailments, and are known for their miraculous healing powers. They are also known as natural air purifiers, and when applied directly to the skin, they tend to eliminate bacteria and kill germs. Phosphoric acid (an eye irritant when chopping onions) in onions helps to purify the blood as it enters the bloodstream.

You have nothing to lose by giving this onion and sock therapy a try! It comes with a number of benefits. They are:

Blood purification.
Removal of germs and bacteria.
Elimination of toxins and chemicals from the feet and making them smell better (believe it or not, it works!)
Alleviating symptoms of fever like cold and flu.

However, reusing the same onion slice is not at all recommended. So, be careful about that.

Who knew that something so simple and inexpensive can turn out to be so beneficial for our health?

Source:stylecraze.com, mp-engineering.co.uk