Home Funny How many kilograms do dogs, cats and rabbits weigh?

How many kilograms do dogs, cats and rabbits weigh?

 How many kilograms do dogs, cats and rabbits weigh?

By looking at the available data, can you calculate the total weight of the three animals?

Here are two basic calculations:

Method 1:

Assuming the first three figures are added together, there will be two rabbits, two cats, two dogs with a total weight of: 10+20+24=54 kg.

Thus, the sum of rabbits, cats and dogs is: 54/2=27 kg.

Method 2:

From picture one we have rabbit + cat = 10kg and picture two is rabbit + dog = 20kg.

From that we infer: dog is 10 kg more than cat.

Combined with the figure three, cat + dog = 24 kg, we deduce dog = (24+10)/2= 17kg, cat= (24-10)/2= 7 kg, combine figure one or two to get rabbit is 3 kg.

So in the last picture we have dog + cat + rabbit = 17 + 7 + 3 = 27 kg.