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9 Flirty and Romantic Things That Any Man Should Do For The Woman They Love At Least Once

Women love being pampered and shown that you care. If you love her, don’t wait any longer to attempt these 9 flirty and romantic gestures.

1. Bring her flowers.

Whether you choose to hunt for her favorite flower *which, of course, is super rare and very expensive*, pick something pretty that’s in season, or even pick wildflowers by the side of the road, no girl will find fault with you for surprising her with flowers.

2, Massage her.

Everyone loves a good massage, so take it upon yourself to give her a foot rub at the end of a long day. Throw in a back massage for good measure. You can also head to this sensual massage guide and pick up tips on how to sensually massage her. Trust me when I say that it will turn her on.

3. Cook for her.

Even if you don’t know your way around the kitchen, and end up making her Mac and Cheese, she’ll love you for it. If you have some kitchen skills, plan, prep, and present a full course menu and you’ll have her eating out of the palm of your hand. Literally.

4. Cuddle often.

Whether it’s on the couch watching a Game of Thrones marathon, or on the bus heading to the store, make an effort to get close and
cuddle her. Women love being touched, so indulge her, won’t you?

5. Send her love messages.

She knows that you love her, but why not put it into words? Send her love emails or messages at random times of the day just to let her know you’re thinking of her. My partner puts little love notes in my suitcase every time I head off on a trip, and I can’t tell you how nice it is being surprised at the end of a 22-hour journey.

6. Clean up the house.

Whether you live together or not, she will love you for it. As an added bonus, draw her a bath and let her relax in the tub while you break your back vacuuming.

7. Kiss her for no reason.

You don’t need a reason to show her that you love her, so indulge in kisses, hugs, and squeezes any chance you get.

8. Plan a girl’s trip for her.

I’m sure she loves her girls, so why not plan a girl’s trip or girl’s night out for her? Get into cahoots with her friends and plan something amazing. Surprise them with champagne at the hotel, restaurant, or club.

9. Play to your strengths.

If you have a way with words, write her a love letter. If you can sing, sing her a love song. If you are good with music, compose a love tune. If you’re outdoorsy, take her on a hike and at the top, surprise her with a picnic lunch. There are a billion ways that you can play to your strengths, so get creative and just do it.

Guys, trust me when I say that no matter how simple or extravagant your gesture of love is, she will adore you for it. Women love being pampered and shown that you love them.