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6 first things guys notice about a woman

6 first things guys notice about a woman

There are certain things that we tend to notice first about others. When it comes to guys we might first notice details like their height, how well they’re dressed, their shoes, their walking style and maybe even their haircut. These are habits that we have subconsciously and to some extent, it gives us information about the other person, and how we should interact with them.

It might be unfair but reality is that we judge others and we are judged by others without even saying a word. So, for men, there are some similarities and differences in the things they notice first. Here are some of the most common things men spot early.

1. Facial expressions

Facial expressions communicate a lot to people around us. The look you have when you’ve had a good day is different from the one you have when you’ve had a bad day, and that is part of how we express ourselves as humans.

If a lady is smiling, she exudes a warm and inviting energy which might make her more approachable. If she’s frowning or looks angry, guys will notice that too and may be hesitate to approach.

2. Your eyes.

Although a less tactful guy might get caught sneaking a peek at other assets, your eyes are what a guy should be looking at during conversation. But any experienced guy will want to look into your eyes for more than just their lovely aesthetic properties. A lot of information can be conveyed and received via eye contact, and any guy trying to get to know you will look to yours as a means of flirting and reading signals.

3. Hair

Hair is a major part of our overall style and personality. If you’re reserved, you’ll tend to choose toned-down colors and simple hairstyles but if you have a bold personality, you won’t be afraid to experiment.

If you have an uncommon hairstyle or hair color, they will notice and use that to gauge your personality type. If you’re lucky to have long, thick natural hair that happens to be quite appealing to members of the opposite sєx.

4. Your bo.obs.

Look, unless they’re concealed and shrouded, your brєasts will be noticed by any warm-blooded male who meets you for the first time. Men are simply biologically programmed to seek them out!

5. Your butt.

When you leave, he will likely grab a glimpse of your b.uttocks. Most gentlemen either fall more squarely in the ‘brєast’ or ‘b.utt’ camp.

6. Dressing style

Probably, it’s a surprising thing but most men do notice a woman’s dressing style. A recent study has found that most men prefer a classy dresser to a woman who shows too much of her skin. Men love some mystery about women, but a half-nakєd body reveals all the secrets. A great sense of style can tell a lot about you, keep it in mind! Your perfume and makeup tell about your taste. Your heels and accessories reveal your lifestyle and sophistication. Your outfit shows your confidence and attitude to life. Don’t think that men are not aware of fashion and trends. They do notice everything. If needed, improve your sense of style to look and feel more confident.

In fact, there are many things most men usually notice in a woman, so can you add any other things to this list?

Sources: fakazanews.com, punchng.com