Home Health Don’t spend a penny on sleep aids or pills more, consume these...

Don’t spend a penny on sleep aids or pills more, consume these things to restore your sleep cycle

Having trouble sleeping? Wondering if it’s your diet? Or better yet, if there are certain foods that can make falling asleep each night a little easier?

Adequate, quality sleep is an essential part of better health – with research suggesting it is key for weight loss, muscle gain, recovery, and overall well-being. So we’ve broken down how your diet can help or harm your sleep patterns by listing the best foods for sleep.

1. Bananas

Take one banana each evening before you go to sleep. If you suffer from diabetes, you should take a half one. This will lower your sugar content. Bananas are rich in potassium which helps in the prevention of night cramps. They also contain magnesium which provides muscle relaxation and deeper sleep. Consuming bananas before bedtime will help you fight insomnia due to the high levels of tryptophan.

2. Whole grains

Whole grains like barley and bulgur contain high amounts of magnesium. Most people do not include magnesium-rich foods in their diets and as a result they have magnesium deficiency which affects their sleep cycle.

3. Herbal tea

It is well-known that herbal teas may improve your sleeping pattern. However, not all kinds of tea can be helpful. Chamomile tea is one of those types that can treat your sleep disorders due to flavonoid apigenin, a secondary metabolite which has soothing effects. Mint, lavender and valerian teas may also help your body to relax. Note that you should not consume green or black tea before going to bed since they act as stimulants and may keep you awake.

4. Yogurt

If you have calcium deficiency you may have difficulty in falling asleep. In order to provide your body with the necessary amounts of calcium make sure you consume milk, yogurt and other dairy products. You can also try other foods that are rich in calcium such as leafy green vegetables (collards or kale).

5. Cherries

Surprisingly, cherries are also helpful in restoring sleep disorders. A glass of cherry juice (250ml) may increase the levels of melatonin, the sleep hormone, in your blood. Consequently, it leads to better sleep quality. This hormone regulates the so called circadian rhythm (sleep-wake cycle). It would be equally effective if you consume fresh or dried cherries between your meals.

6. Cocoa

A cup of cocoa before going to bed may have amazing effects. Besides being a natural sedative, chocolate is also rich in magnesium and can significantly improve your sleep. Moreover, the unsweetened cocoa powder contains tryptophan whose effects were mentioned earlier in the text.

7. Salmon

According to the studies, salmon is rich in omega-3-fatty acids which reduce the stress levels and help your body to relax. Moreover, it contains vitamin B6 which increases the stimulation of melatonin, the sleep hormone. Its rich protein content will make you feel full during the night. A recent study has shown that people who consume salmon on a regular basis have higher levels of vitamin D, shorter wake times, better sleep quality and higher levels of sleeping time.