Home Funny Never Mix These 7 Fruits! They Cause S.e.r.i.o.u.s Diseases

Never Mix These 7 Fruits! They Cause S.e.r.i.o.u.s Diseases

Consuming vegetables and fruits on daily basis is highly important for our overall health. However, there are some things which we shouldn’t experiment with, such as mixing two fruits or vegetables or eating them at the same time. Not only does mixing two types of fruits and vegetables can be unhealthy, but it can also be ғᴀᴛᴀʟ. Down below we have a list of foods that you must never mix

1. Milk and orange

Some people eat their cereal with some orange juice added in, however if you are one of those you should know how unhealthy this combination is. Orange juice makes it harder for the stomach to process the starch and milk from the cereal which causes digestive problems and other health issues.

2. Milk and pineapple

Combining milk and pineapples can cause severe headaches, infections, diarrhea, stomach pain and nausea. The reason for this is because pineapples are rich in bromelain, a compound that should never be mixed with milk. Also, this combination is very dangerous for babies.

3. Carrots and orange

Even though this is a very popular combination it often causes heartburn and excess bile reflux. There have even been cases when this combination caused kidney damage and even ғᴀᴛᴀʟ complications.

4. Lemon and papaya

Lemon and papaya mixture can cause problems with the hemoglobin levels and even anemia. It is just as dangerous for children and adults.

5. Banana and guava

Consuming this mixture leads to nausea and headaches and also causes acidosis and gasses.

6. Banana and pudding

This combination stimulates toxic production that can be even fatal for infants. Also, it is very hard to digest and will make your mind work much slower.

7. Fruits and vegetables

Fruits are rich in sugar and they are much harder to digest than vegetables because they stay longer in the stomach. If consumed with vegetables they start fermenting and release toxins that cause stomach aches, infections, diarrhea and headaches.

Fruits should only be consumed with other fruits. Here are some combinations that are perfectly safe and healthy:

You can only mix fruits with other fruits. Down below are some suggestion by groups:

1.Sweet – feel free to combine sweet fruits that don’t contain acid such as bananas, apples, plums, cantaloupe and watermelon. Acidic – these fruits are packed with citric acid and can be safely mixed. Some examples are

2.Acidic – these fruits are packed with citric acid and can be safely mixed. Some examples are lemon, orange, blueberries, grapes, kiwis, and grapefruit.

3.Semi-Acidic – these fruits are low in acid. You can safely mix these fruits. Some examples are raspberry, mango, apples and strawberry.

4.Neutral – fruits that contain more vitamins, oils, salts and protein are avocado, almonds, peanuts, walnuts and coconut.

References: http://bewellhub.com/