Home Life Mom breastfeeding newborn at diner is approached by older lady—what she said...

Mom breastfeeding newborn at diner is approached by older lady—what she said left mom crying

Mom breastfeeding newborn at diner is approached by older lady—what she said left mom crying

Mom breastfeeding newborn at diner is approached by older lady—what she said left mom crying

Newborn babies are a joy to behold, but for their tired mothers, those first months are a whole lot more than that! Women go from painful labors to sleep-deprived weeks. And, when they finally go outside to enjoy the fresh air with their babies, they find themselves judged by strangers for how they choose to care for their children!

Briar Lusia McQueen took Little Jaxon McQueen with her to the nearest diner for breakfast. Little Jaxon McQueen was a feisty 8-week-old boy, and it took all of his mother’s energy to keep him happy and healthy.

Unfortunately, just as her food and hot chocolate arrived, Briar sensed her baby waking up. Before she could have a single bite, Jaxon decided that he wanted to be fed too.

Resigned to her fate, Briar put aside her breakfast and pulled Jaxon close to feed him. She hadn’t become used to feeding Jaxon in public yet, but she refused to let her son go hungry just to appease other people’s sense of normality. She decided that she was willing to risk disapproval if it meant Jaxon was nourished.

After a few minutes, Briar felt someone approaching her table. Looking up, she saw an elderly woman.

Inevitably, Briar’s first thought was that she was about to be punished for breastfeeding in public.

She braced herself for a scuffle but then stared in surprise as the woman picked up a knife and fork and started cutting her food into bite-sized pieces.

The elderly woman smiled at Briar and complimented her on what a wonderful mother she is. She also added that she felt bad watching Briar’s food go cold. That’s why the woman thought of and cut the food so Briar could eat it with one hand.

Having never expected such a kind gesture from a complete stranger, Briar nearly burst into tears.

Then, when she got home, she decided to share the story with her family and friends on Facebook

Her post, and the accompanying picture of the older woman cutting her food, got more attention than Briar had expected. And soon, Love What Matters Facebook page picked up the story and made it viral.

The comment section filled with experiences of mothers around the world, some wonderful and some infuriating. But through it all, everyone agreed that Briar’s post gave them hope. It wasn’t just about a stranger being kind, it was also beautiful to see a woman reaching out to help another woman.
