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6 Habits That Most People Think Are Toxic But Will Strengthen Your Relationship

Do you realize how there are certain unsaid do’s and don’ts of a relationship and we tend to focus more on the don’ts because there are these idealized notions about a perfect relationship? Sure, certain things are indeed toxic for any relationship but then, there are certain self-perceived toxicities which need to be dealt with correctly and they will turn out to be the strength of your relationship.

However, for this to work, you need to let go of the idea of a perfect relationship as viewed by everybody else considering how you are unique and so is your relationship. So, while you go through these six habits you might think are toxic, notice if you have any of them and try overcoming them.

1. Let go of some conflicts unresolved

Having conversations that are sometimes argumentative is not a bad thing. When in a relationship, two partners always try to resolve things to keep things transparent and not let the dust of misunderstanding settle which is a good thing to do. But those who let some of the conflicts go unresolved are not wrong either. In fact, according to psychological studies, it is noticed that couples who follow the let it go rule for some conflicts are more likely to have the ability to accept and forgive by busting the myth that couples should always communicate and resolve.

2. Being willing to hurt each others feelings

If you have been in a relationship or observed any relationship upclose, you probably have felt the need there is to constantly say good things about the other person. It is almost as if the other person is perfect – which they probably are for their significant other but it doesn’t mean that there will never be anything they don’t like. Take, for example, your other half changes their hair to please you but you don’t like it at all and you say you do simply because you are afraid it would hurt their feelings.

Remember, honesty goes a long way in any relationship and you do not want to say things you do not mean. Therefore, you have got to be willing to admit and say things you know would upset the other. After all, that is how you grow and become a better version of yourself.

3. Not being available all the time

One of the good habits that some couples possess is not being physically and emotionally available to each other at times. There is no two-way in the fact that being dependent on each other is a good thing but there are certain points in a relationship or general life when one needs to be independent despite the reality that there is someone to help you out. This helps one another to grow and learn. For instance, your boyfriend or husband might always be there for you to help with your technical doubts, but when they are unavailable to help you, somehow you will figure it out yourself and learn how it is done.

4. Accepting the feelings of attraction for someone outside the relationship

We have this common misconception that if you are in a relationship, you automatically aren’t supposed to feel anything for anyone outside of it but is it really logical or practical? Of course, it is neither! Being human, it is totally okay to feel attracted to someone who isn’t your partner and it doesn’t mean you do not love them enough – it simply means you are human! Liking someone else isn’t the problem, treating it as a treason and suppressing those feeling out of guilt and fear is problematic. Instead, you should be embracing those feelings and let them go. Holding onto them, trying to subdue them will only give them power over you which might ultimately make you succumb – that’s where it gets ugly.

5, Spending time alone

Being in a relationship doesn’t mean you have to let your personal life go. Spending time with your friends or alone is a good way to have a space. This will not only give you a peaceful way of doing your favorite things but you might also realize that you miss your partner sometimes. Having personal space is an important thing to follow for both partners.

6. Accepting each other’s flaws

Nobody is perfect on this planet and even the noblest person in the world has a bad habit. While this concept can get as complicated as one can imagine. In a relationship, accepting certain habits and flaws of your partner is important as this will help both partners to know each other better.