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You’ve Been Washing Your Hair Wrong All This Time! Here’s The Right Way To Do It

You’ve Been Washing Your Hair Wrong All This Time! Here’s The Right Way To Do It

Beautiful, shiny, dandruff-free hair takes a lot of attention. But, even when you do give your hair a lot of attention, it doesn’t always look the way you want it to. In fact, most of us make a number of honest mistakes when we wash, dry and style our hair. It is very important to wash your hair the right way, as this will keep your hair healthy and beautiful for longer.

1. Wash your hair when you want it washed

There is a myth that circulates around the world that it is not good to wash your hair every day. Wash your hair when you want to. You can do it once a week in winter and every day in summer. It’s your choice.

2. Don’t shampoo every time you wash

Some people have the habit of washing their hair with shampoo every day. Caution: if you shower every day, avoid washing your hair every now and then because daily use of shampoo can dry your scalp.

2. Don’t wait too long between washes

Don’t wait too long between hair washes. In fact, you should wash your hair as often as you like. Whether you do it once a week in winter or every day in summer is entirely up to you.

3. Don’t rub your scalp

Hair is a delicate and fragile thing, especially when it’s wet, so treat it gently. Gently run your fingers through the hair, instead of rubbing it with shampoo to avoid breakage and damage.

4. Don’t use too much shampoo

A coin-sized amount of shampoo is enough. Too much shampoo removes all the natural nutrients from the hair.

5. Don’t change shampoos too often

Using one shampoo is much more recommended than changing shampoos every month. Try to use one shampoo regularly, it will make your life easier.

6. Don’t wash in hot water

Hot showers may be good for your skin, but not for your hair. Your hair doesn’t like hot showers either because the heat dries out your skin and scalp. Rinse your hair with lukewarm or cold water.

7. Don’t shampoo your entire head

Use a shampoo for your roots and a conditioner for your ends.

8. Don’t always shampoo your scalp

Every once in a while, start shampooing from the nape of your neck rather than the crown as we usually do.

9. Don’t brush your hair when it’s wet

Avoid brushing your hair when it’s wet because it’s more fragile and tends to break. Ride it gently and don’t brush it.

10. Soak your hair

Shampooing semi-dry hair doesn’t clean it well enough. Soak your hair thoroughly before applying shampoo.

11. Don’t towel dry your hair

Instead of towel-drying your wet hair, try patting it dry gently. This will prevent your hair from breaking.