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Your relationship can be vulnerable to break up when you don’t change any of the following things

A relationship can be vulnerable to break up when you don’t change any of the following things

1. Your unending insecurities

This feeling can lead to the worst outcomes especially if you don’t do your part to overcome it. When you entertain that feeling of not being good enough either as a lover or a partner, you also open your doors to other unhealthy possibilities that could lead to a devastating breakup. So what should you do? Build your confidence and have a little faith in yourself.

2. Your overflowing jealousy

It’s time to take a step back and think about how it can negatively affect and change your bond as a couple. In most instances, the root of this negative emotion often comes from groundless accusations or imagined scenarios, leading to more serious problems in the relationship.

Remember this: before creating stories in your head, confront and talk to your significant other first.

3. Your excessive possessiveness

Well, sometimes people don’t notice that they are already being so possessive and overly protective that their “genuine love” turns into a suffocating birdcage. Give each other space, give each other enough freedom to fly.

4. Your dishonesty

You need to have the ability and courage to express how you really feel. Is your partner doing something that is hurting you but you’re too scared to say it because it could trigger a fight? Is your significant other too reluctant to tell you how he feels because it’s not “manly” to do so? Don’t hesitate to open your heart and tell each other what’s wrong. Remember communication is the key.

5. Your selfishness and pride

You’re fighting and you were hurt big time. What do you do? Wait a few hours to calm yourselves down and finally talk about it? Or do you engage in a silent war and wait until someone gives up? Choosing your emotions and selfishly protecting your pride just to prove that you’re right can be damaging to your relationship.

6. Your inability to give enough time, attention, and effort

In order for relationships to work, both parties should give enough of their time and effort – and when we say “enough”, it means not too little, not too much. Know what you both need and how much you can offer without compromising your own needs.

7. Your lack of understanding

Just by observing familiar gestures and the specific choice of words, you can already tell what’s really going on. Sometimes, problems in a relationship arise because couples tend to be oblivious of what’s really happening – until it’s already too late.