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Your Kidneys Are Failing IF You See These Signs: No. 1 Is Very Important

Your Kidneys Are Failing IF You See These Signs: No. 1 Is Very Important

Kidney disease occurs when the ability involving the kidney organ to filter our blood and remove waste products from the human body decreases.

There are many physiological symptoms of kidney disease, however they are usually misdiagnosed as symptoms of other diseases

According to the Mayo Clinic, below are some indicators you may notice within yourself that indicate you have kidney disease.

1. Changes in the consistency of urination

It’s a good idea to always keep a close eye on your urine flow. For example, your urine flow may well decrease, or you may feel compelled to urinate more often, especially at night. This can be a sign that the kidney filtering unit is sick and tired or on the verge of malfunctioning. This can sometimes be an indicator of a urinary tract infection or perhaps an enlarged prostate in men. For this reason, any increase or decrease in a urine stream should be reported to the specialist as soon as possible.

2. Foaming or bloody urine.

The occurrence involving protein within the urine indicates that this urine is frothy and may go unnoticed under normal circumstances. When this kidney filtration system is definitely damaged, proteins and blood cells begin to leak into the urine.

3. Anemia.

Hemoglobin levels begin to transform, and a person can look paler without clear areas of our blood loss in the body. This is the popular complication of kidney disease. In addition, this will cause weakness and exhaustion. Low erythropoietin levels, low iron levels, and accumulation of toxins that cause myelosuppression will be some of the causes of low blood counts.

4. Dry, itchy skin.

In addition to filtering out waste and extra fluid from your blood, your kidneys also play an important role in maintaining the correct balance of minerals in your blood and keeping your bones healthy.

Dry, itchy skin can be a side effect of the mineral and bone disease that often occurs with chronic kidney disease when your kidneys are no longer able to keep sodium, potassium, calcium, and other important minerals in your blood properly balanced.

5. Swelling of the legs and toes.

Although chronic swelling in your calves, ankles, or feet can be an indication of other serious problems, such as heart or liver disease, poor kidney function can also cause an imbalance of sodium in your blood that leads to persistent swelling in your hands or feet.

6. Shortness of breath.

Fluid in these lungs due to acute kidney malfunction can cause shortness of breath.

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Source:za.opera.news, faststonerelief.com