Home Health Your cholesterol levels are high if you notice these things happen to...

Your cholesterol levels are high if you notice these things happen to your eyes

Your cholesterol levels are high if you notice these things happen to your eyes
Image source: express.co.uk

Cholesterol is a waxy substance that your body uses in its normal functioning, but different types of cholesterol can be good or bad for you. The causes of high cholesterol can range from your genetic makeup to your lifestyle or medical conditions

High levels of cholesterol may affect your eyes. One of the most common symptoms that one may develop in the eyes are a spike in the cholesterol levels is xanthelasma. It is a condition in which there is a small, yellowish fatty deposit found in the skin around your eyes.

High cholesterol levels (HCL) can change the area around the eyes, leaving you experiencing some of the symptoms, these include –

– Blurry vision
– Dark spots
– Lines in your vision (floaters)
– Pain near the eye,
– A blushing ring formation near the outer side of the cornea
– Formation of yellowing lump near the eye area.

How to keep cholesterol levels under control

High cholesterol is a silent killer which comes with mild to no symptoms. Therefore keeping it under control is very much important. Some of the tips to manage high cholesterol are – eliminate trans fats from your diet, eat foods that are rich in Omega-3, add whey protein (protein from dairy products) to your diet, quit smoking, make exercising a part of your daily life to keep your weight under control.