Home Health You Shouldn’t Send Your nαkєd Pictures To Your Man? Here’s Why

You Shouldn’t Send Your nαkєd Pictures To Your Man? Here’s Why

You Shouldn’t Send Your nαkєd Pictures To Your Man? Here’s Why

Reasons why you should not send your naked pictures to your boyfriend

Here are four reasons why sending nude pictures to your partner is not a good idea and should be avoided.

1. Your nude may be shared with others.

Yes, your partner can send it to your, his, and even his family friends. He may say he will not send it to anyone else, but he may be lying. The person may decide to share it on social media at some point. It may happen after they have not been sent for a long time, such as after a breakup or a fight.

2. Your nudity can be used against you.

Your private photos can be used to blackmail you by the person you send them to. If you refuse to give him money or more nude pictures, he may threaten to share the pictures widely. Many people are not in relationships for marriage or commitment; they are in them for other reasons. When dating someone, you should use extreme caution.

3. Sending a nude photo can damage your health and reputation.

Once an intimate photo of someone is shared, that individual will do everything in their power to delete those images (which may not be possible). Nude photos give people a poor name, which can be detrimental to their health and way of life.

4. Your nude photos may one day be seen by your children.

Your naked pictures may reach your children, which can be embarrassing. Not everyone who watches your nudes will remove them immediately. Some people may keep them for later use. Always consider the repercussions before sending your photos to anyone.

Source :africamediang.com