Home Health Woman Grated Half A Lemon Every Day And Froze The Rest. After...

Woman Grated Half A Lemon Every Day And Froze The Rest. After 1 Month, Everyone Is Imitating Her

Lemons are a popular fruit that people use in small quantities to add flavor to food. However, they rarely consume them alone due to their intense, sour taste.

Lemons give flavor to baked goods, sauces, salad dressings, marinades, drinks, and desserts, and they are also a good source of vitamin C. One 58 gram (g) lemon can provide over 30 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C.

Vitamin C is essential for health, and a deficiency can lead to health problems. The early explorers knew this and took lemons on their long voyages to help prevent or treat scurvy, a life threatening condition that was common among sailors. However, did you know that you can freeze the lemons and enjoy their remarkable benefits? Frozen lemons are a popular technique of maximizing the medicinal properties of lemons.

Why is the frozen lemon so beneficial?

The frozen lemon treatment is a popular solution for people who suffer from cancer. For this reason, they use this treatment as a complement to the chemotherapy sessions. Due to the antioxidant power, lemon can fight the deadly cells and protect the immune system because the chemotherapy seriously attacks it.

Besides being a complementary treatment for cancer, the frozen lemon treatment can also prevent tumors. Furthermore, this therapy provides numerous other benefits, such as:

– It is loaded with vitamins because the lemon peel has about 10 times more vitamins than its juice. So, the lemon peel contains vitamin C, pectin, and flavonoids.
– Protects and strengthens the immunological system.
– Promotes the weight-loss process as it detoxes the body and fights the presence of lipids in the blood that cause bad cholesterol.

How to prepare frozen lemons?

This is an easy technique, which can be quickly prepared.


– 2 lemons
– a grater


– Step 1: Put 2 lemons in a freezer
– Step 2: When they freeze, cut them in 2 parts and grate them

You should consume 75 grams (2.65 ounces) of frozen lemon every day.

How to consume frozen lemons?

You can add 25 grams of the grated lemon peel in yogurt without sugar. Also, you can use them in salads for lunch, where you can include spinach, nuts, fresh cheese, a few pieces of salmon and a few cherry tomatoes. Or, you can add them to any fruit salad.

References; medicalnewstoday.com, www.life4fitmama.com