Home Quiz Why the wrong technique of bathing leads to hєαrt αttαcks?

Why the wrong technique of bathing leads to hєαrt αttαcks?

Why the wrong technique of bathing leads to hєαrt αttαcks?

We tend to bathe by letting the shower or bucket of water go directly on our head. It causes the body to adjust its temperature too quickly, because we are warm-blooded.

By doing this sequence incorrectly, the flow of blood increases its speed to the head too fast to compensate for the temperature difference, which can eventually cause tears in the capillaries, arteries, and therefore an infarction (obstruction of the blood supply to an organ or tissue region).

The correct way to take a shower

is to start by wetting your feet first, then your legs, and gradually up to your shoulders, and finally your head. Follow these instructions and then complete your shower as normal.

This step-by-step is especially recommended for people with hypertension, high cholesterol levels, or who suffer from migraine headaches.

How to shower the right way?

  1. First measure the temperature. Either use a thermometer or you can simply use your wrist to determine if the temperature is really comfortable.
  2. Start by soaking your legs and gently work your way up to your head. We tend to bathe by letting the shower or bucket of water go directly on our head. This causes the body to adjust its temperature too quickly.
  3. Gradually, try pouring water on your body and doing a quick rinse to wet your skin before applying any soap.
  4. You can apply the soap or body shampoo either down or up. A soap cleans dirt, germs, oils, and bacteria from the skin.
  5. Hair shampoo can be applied directly to the ends of your hair. You can apply conditioner if you wish.
  6. Use a clean, dry towel for after the bath.