Home relationship Why More And More People No Longer Believe In Love

Why More And More People No Longer Believe In Love

There are many reasons why people no longer believe in love. It could be the age, the personality or maybe just a broken heart.

Let’s go through them one by one and find out what makes it so that people no longer believe in love. So, here are top reasons why people no longer believe in love.

1. They Get Hurt A Lot.

They have been hurt so many times that they don’t believe anyone can really love them unconditionally.

2. Cheating and Lies

Due to some past experiences, a lot of people consider relationship a cheating zone.

Cheating and lying has become the a normal thing to some in a relationship.

Whatever the case might be, sincerity and honesty should always be part of every relationship.

But no, people prefer to lie and cheat on one another. You don’t know who else to trust.

3. Trust Issues.

They have trust issues that make it hard for them to open up to others (especially their significant other.

This can lead to feeling clingy and insecure in the relationship, which doesn’t let the other person feel like they are free to make mistakes without being judged harshly by you.

4. Being Betrayed.

They have experienced betrayal, abuse or abandonment in the past and have not healed from it.

They have been betrayed by a loved one and don’t want to go through that again.

5. Never Been Happy In A Relationship.

Some people have never been in a relationship that made them feel happy and whole, so they assume that being single is better than being in a relationship.

6. They Have Not Experience Love.

Some people may not know what love is because they haven’t experienced it yet, so they are likely not to believe in love.

They’ve never experienced true love, so they don’t know what it feels like

7. The High Divorce Rate.

If there were such thing as true love then why would divorce rates be so high?

Maybe they have seen their parents, friends divorce and they don’t want to follow in their footsteps too.

They think it will be easier to live alone than with someone who won’t love and respect them.

8. They Don’t Want To Be Hurt Again.

They’ve been hurt too many times before by someone who claimed to love them but didn’t value their feelings or needs in the relationship — or even worse, abused them emotionally or physically

9. No Faith In Humanity.

They have lost faith in humanity because there are so many awful people in this world who do terrible things to others for no reason at all.