Home Health Why It’s Better Not to Brush Your Teeth After Breakfast

Why It’s Better Not to Brush Your Teeth After Breakfast

Should You Brush Your Teeth BEFORE or AFTER Breakfast?

There’s no doubt that brushing your teeth is one of the most important steps in your oral hygiene routine. But doing it at the wrong time might, in some cases, sabotage all your efforts to keep your pearly whites healthy and strong. While it might feel tempting to refresh your breath right after breakfast, it’s better to brush your teeth first thing in the morning, because many common breakfast foods might soften your enamel, causing you to unintentionally damage it.

We know that some people prefer to brush their teeth before breakfast while others do it right after eating.

Why it may be better to brush before breakfast?

There may actually be a scientific answer to this question. While you sleep, plaque-causing bacteria in your mouth multiply. That’s part of why you may wake up with a “mossy” taste and “morning breath.”

Washing those bacteria right out with a fluoride toothpaste rids your teeth of plaque and bacteria. It also coats your enamel with a protective barrier against acid in your food.

Another reason that brushing teeth before breakfast may be a better idea is because you should wait at least 30 minutes after eating acidic foods. So, if you are eating, brushing your teeth, and then rushing out the door, you could be damaging your enamel which has been softened by your morning toast, juice, or coffee.

And we decided to find out What might happen if you brush immediately after having your breakfast.

1. It may affect the color of your teeth.

Your enamel protects your teeth, and although it’s the hardest tissue in the human body, brushing right after you eat can in some cases damage it. When the enamel isn’t as strong as it’s supposed to be, it can affect your teeth in many ways and make them more vulnerable to staining.

2. It might make your teeth more sensitive.

If you’ve ever felt a sudden sharp pain when you consume something hot or cold, this might be a sign that your teeth are overly sensitive. Tooth sensitivity can happen for various reasons, and one of them is weak tooth enamel. Because brushing your teeth immediately after eating certain foods can increase tooth sensitivity, it’s better to prevent this unpleasant side effect and brush your teeth before eating.

3. Brushing before you eat increases your saliva production.

Brushing your teeth right after you wake up helps you feel more refreshed in the morning and also jump-starts your saliva production. Because your saliva contains antimicrobial agents, it helps break down food more easily and naturally kills the harmful bacteria that are responsible for tooth decay.

4. Precautions for brushing teeth after breakfast

If it works better for your morning routine to brush after breakfast, you can still do so — but here’s some information to keep in mind.

Brushing immediately after eating breakfast may actually cover your teeth with remnants of acidic food, which weakens your enamel. Breakfast staples are some of the worst foods for your tooth enamel, including:

  • Orange juice
  • Citrus fruit
  • Dried fruit
  • Bread
  • Pastries

So, brushing may be particularly bad for your teeth right after breakfast.

Waiting 30 minutes to an hour after eating to brush your teeth is the best way to ensure that you’re protecting your teeth and not tampering with your enamel.

The American Dental Association recommends you wait 60 minutes after eating before you brush, especially after having acidic foods.

Drink water or chew sugar-free gum after eating to clean your teeth before you brush.

Do you brush your teeth before or after breakfast?
