Home Health Why Guys Are Afraid To Date Beautiful Women? Here’s why

Why Guys Are Afraid To Date Beautiful Women? Here’s why

Reasons Why Guys Are Afraid To Date Beautiful Women

There are plenty of beautiful women around, but we’re not chasing yet. Here’s why.

1. We become Possessive and Jealous

We may not like to admit it, but there is always jealousy lurking somewhere when you are dating a gorgeous woman. Friends of friends won’t be welcome home, the fact that she goes out with her male friends for drinks may seem annoying, and that a new dress every week for work may raise eyebrows. We know it, we do it!

2. Worrying about other guys hitting on her

We certainly won’t question her, but we can’t help but think about questioning her. What if all the men she meets want her number and time? There will be times when men will want to make excuses to talk to her and will be able to do nothing but worry.

3. You go unnoticed in her presence

This is a good thing as well as a bad thing. If you have unparalleled beauty right next to you, it’s pretty obvious that people may not notice you. You can always fade into the background. If you hear people say things like “What is she doing with HIM”, you know it’s time to move away from that place.

4. She Wants You For Money

Maybe not…or maybe not! People love to gossip and may think that such a beauty is with you just because you’re loaded. Now, we hope that’s not the case. But going by experience, anecdotes and what not, she may just be after your money. don’t reveal details about your hidden treasure chest just yet!

5. You will have trouble trusting her

She is not the problem. The problem is in us. Sometimes we don’t want to believe her, even when we know it’s not her fault. She is insecure and therefore has trouble trusting that stunner. Jealousy, excessive possessiveness, and trust issues – you know the trouble spots. Now work on them.

6. Her ego can be a problem

She is s3xy and she knows it. And the world will leave no leaf unturned to make her realize that, especially when she is around you. She may have been used to compliments since she was 10 years old. If that leads to an inflated ego, who do you blame? Nobody, right?
