Men’s code of masculinity doesn’t often allow them to cry in public or expressing emotions other than anger.
Receiving this sort of conditioning is damaging, but it doesn’t change the fact that men have a right to their expression of pain.
Women are the only ones who understand this.
The universal truth is that men are sensitive creatures just waiting for their perfect partner to unlock their hidden potential for love and affection.
When a man cries in front of you, it means something special.
Here are 7 things it could mean
1. He Trusts You
He trusts that your relationship is strong enough that you will not consider him weak for crying. It is hard to open up to someone and let them see you at your breaking point.
If he does this, it shows he trusts you not to deem him weak for showing his sensitive side. He considers your relationship a safe space.
2. He Is Baring His Soul To You
A man who cries in front of you is barring his soul to you. Crying in front of someone is very intimate; however, tears can be genuine or performative.
When a man cries, he is the most unguarded and shows you his raw self. He is finally taking off the mask he puts on in public and showing you the hurt inside.
The intentions of baring his soul to you may be another story altogether.
3. He Is Showing You How Much You Hurt Him.
We cry when we are hurt and the same to men. They also cry when we hurt them. They may not always show you they are crying, but they do.
If you are having problems with your boyfriend, he may cry in front of you. When you hurt your boyfriend, you will see his tears flowing freely.
You know that time when someone hurts you so bad, you can physically feel the pain? Well, men have that too, and all they can do is cry.
4. He Is Willing To Be Vulnerable With You.
When your man cries in front of you, it shows that he is willing to let down his wall with you and show you his vulnerable side.
Vulnerability does not come easily for most men because of the conditioning from childhood that men are tough and should not cry, and crying is a sign of weakness. When a man cries in front of you, he is showing you that he is vulnerable too.
We expect our men to have all the answers all the time. So, when a man cries, he may be at his lowest, where he does not have the answer.
While the tears may be tears of joy or sadness, the bottom line is that he feels vulnerable enough to let the tears flow in front of you.
5. He Is Begging For Forgiveness.
For example, when your boyfriend hurts you and is begging you to forgive him, he may start crying.
However, you should ask yourself what he did to warrant asking for forgiveness.
More often than not, men cry when asking for forgiveness to manipulate you into forgiving them.
Your boyfriend, on the other hand, could cry when asking for forgiveness if he is sorry about what he did, is genuinely remorseful, and wants a second chance.
6. He Is Manipulating You.
He may be playing the victim and wants to manipulate you.
He may cry in front of you to get his way. However, some men have mastered the art of using tears to get their way.
For example, I have a friend whose boyfriend threatened to harm himself if she left him.
He would cry every time she tried breaking up with him. And she would fall for his tears every time as she believed he would truly harm himself if she left.
This is the true definition of a man manipulating you through his tears. You are compelled to comply with his wishes as you fear for his well-being.
This is just psychotic, and it’s important to leave and tell him to get professional help.
7. He Is Grieving And Needs Your Support.
In case he is grieving the loss of a loved one, he may cry in front of you. At this time, he needs your support most as losing a loved one is hard for him.
Be there for him. The pain of losing a loved one will not go away in a day or a week.
You may find that even months later, the pain may come in waves, and you will find him crying.
Support him and be there for him as much as he needs you. Do not tell him to get over it, as we all grieve differently, and the healing journey is different for everyone. Let me walk his journey and be there to hold his hand.