Home Life What Is The First Things Women Look For In A Guy?

What Is The First Things Women Look For In A Guy?

The perfect man does not exist, but the man that suits a woman perfectly. But, what are the first things girls look for in guys? Guys, do not be clueless. If you are a guy looking for a woman, take note of some of the things a lady will notice or look for when trying to find a good man.

Ladies, have standards and do not just look for someone for the sake of settling and simply having a companion. Here we go!

What are the first things girls look for in guys?

1. His appearance

First impression is really important. So at first, almost every girl wants a guy that looks good. Not that he must be handsome but atleast he will be good looking and cute so that they can present him before their fellow women. So, a guy need to work on his appearance for it’s one of the major thing a girl look out for in a man.

2. His interest and hobbies.

Women always looks for what interests a guy most, as well as his hobbies. Your interest in some things and your hobbies will also determine how you will be known. No girl want a man who doesn’t knows his left or right. Girls like guys that has his likes and dislikes not one that likes all or dislikes all.

3. His Personality.

The majority of girls like a guy that is well trained and friendly as well. A guy who acknowledges others and value people bas well, not an arrogant ones. So, a guy should work on his personality so that he will stand a chance to win girl’s taste.

4. One character he does that makes him different.

If you have a character that makes you unique, that character is what will draw her to you. Because girls like guys who has a unique character that is different from others.

5. Emotions that are genuine.

A genuine emotions attracts girls to guys and not take ones. Girls likes guys that feel emotional, a guy that cries when it’s necessary. That your emotional part is what makes you wanted by many.

6. Brave and confidence.

All girls like to be with a brave guy. A guy that is intelligent and confidence on his self. A guy that can defend them at any time. A guy that can direct and gives you a sure advice and still guides you in achieving your goals. That’s what girls look out first in a guys

7. Brave and confidence.

Almost all girls like to be with a brave guy. A guy that is intelligent and confidence on his self. A guy that can defend them at any time. A guy that can direct and gives you a sure advice and still guides you in achieving your goals. That’s what girls look out first in a guys

8. A man of his words.

Here is also a wonderful thing girls first look out for in a guy. A man that is indeed a man. A man of principle. A man that knows his left and right and still maintain his stand at any given time. A man that doesn’t just speak and speak without achievement.

9. A responsible man with a good job.

Every girl like a good, responsible guy with a good job. No one wants to suffer. No girl want to be in the hands of an irresponsible guy. So, every girl look out for a well mannered, responding guy with good with adquate job.