Home Personality What are the lucky moles on female ḅöďÿ?

What are the lucky moles on female ḅöďÿ?

What are the lucky moles on female body?

A mole is usually a small, dark brown spot which is caused by a group of pigmented cells and regarded to be harmless. But, did you know these moles can often reveal some clues to your personality and style? As per astrologists, the placement of a mole on the body can tell a lot about an individual’s character and attitude towards life!If you are interested in knowing what that mole on your hand means, keep reading below:

1. What does mole on Forehead mean?

Mole on the forehead usually denotes wealth, fame, and status. It is also considered a sign of prosperity and wisdom. Mole on forehead describes the person as active, industrious and who has clear insight regarding his/her life goals. It also means happy marriage and a comfortable lifestyle.

2. Which mole means loving husband? Mole On The Eye

A mole on the right eye of a person is an indication that they would be truly and deeply loved by their spouse and when a mole is present on the left eye, it indicates consistent marital conflicts between the couple.

3. Where moles are lucky? Mole On The Upper Eyelid

If the mole is located inside the upper eyelid, such persons are considered lucky and wealthy. Conversely, a mole inside the lower eyelid is considered unlucky. People with a mole in the right eye are quick earners.

4. Which mole signifies beauty? – Moles on the Cheek

A mole on either cheek represents a sensitive, hardworking, responsible, and caring person. A mole on the left cheek denotes that you are an introvert andvalues friends, parents and marriage. They can be introverts but loves spending time with close friends and family. To have a mole on the right or left cheeks means that the person will never face poverty or anxiety.

5. What does mole on Nose mean?

If you have a mole on the nose, then you are a person who has high self-respect. If you have the mole on the tip of your nose then you are quite short-tempered and if you have a mole on the right side of your nose then it means you are quite passionate and seek more sexual activity. Whereas, if you have a mole on the left side of the nose then it represents struggle.

6. What does mole near lips indicate?

People with moles on their lips are more ambitious than their counterparts. This means that the person will lead a theatre life. They love acting, art and have a weak spot for music. They are also extremely foodie which means that they are prone to health issues. Their main goal is to always move forward in life.

7. What does mole on Chin mean?

It represents a person who is affectionate and caring. It also means that the person will lead a balanced, successful life. They are also very determined, logical easy to adapt to the different environments, and are nature lovers that make them born travelers. To have a mole on the chin also mean that they might get favored by destiny.

8. What type of moles are lucky? – Moles on the chest

Moles on the chest are extremely common and indicate good luck. They signify ambition and you can expect great things to happen in your life. If you plan ahead, you will surely win the race.

9. What does mole on Hands mean?

You are hardworking and energetic if you have a mole on your hands. You will work hard for a successful life and you have the talent to lead that life.

10. Which mole represents rich life? – Moles on the navel

People who have a mole near their navel are very promising. A person with a mole right below the navel spends more on great food. If a person has mole right below the navel, then it is a sign that they will be awesomely rich.

11. What does mole on Feet mean?

A mole on the feet represents travelling and you will be recognised for your good doings. A mole on the right foot denotes that you will have a good family life, whereas a mole on the left foot denotes financial problems and issues with the spouse.