Home Health Watermelon can become harmful if you consume it this way

Watermelon can become harmful if you consume it this way

Watermelon is a fresh, delicious, cool and very healthy fruit. It provides a lot of vitamin C, vitamin A and healthy plant compounds. Watermelon in addition to nutritional value, they are also cheap and easy to find, so it is suitable for regular addition to the menu of the whole family. However, you should only eat watermelon alone. In other words, water should not be eaten in combination with other fruits for the following reasons

They are easily digestible. By the time they hit the stomach, they are almost completely digested by chewing and saliva.

They pass quickly through the stomach and move into the small intestine for digestion and assimilation. This can only happen when the stomach is empty and melons are eaten alone. When combined with other foods that require complex digestion in the stomach. Melons cannot pass into the small intestine until the digestion of other foods in the stomach is complete. So they sit and stagnate instead, quickly fermenting and causing all sorts of gastric distress.

This may lead to stomach discomfort, nausea, vomiting or even diarrhoea.

References: vinmec.com, http://trendinginkenya.com/