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Touching! Son Transforms His Basement Into a New Home for His Aging Parents

Touching! Son Transforms His Basement Into a New Home for His Aging Parents


One of the hard things about being adults is that we not only see ourselves getting older, but we see our parents age as well.

One of the hardest things is when our parents start to need help in their daily lives. The decision is then made whether to place the parents in a nursing home, let them move in with us, or perhaps hire a carer or nurse to check on them at their current home. surname.

George and Bonnie Miller, had spent quite a life together and entered into their golden years. They had both turned 87 and through their years together had learned to rely on one another like most other couples do.

Bonnie had fallen and unfortunately acquired a break in the shoulder. This is when their son and Jeanine, his wife, began to look for some other options for their living situation.

Schon and his wife Jeannie, was very concerned for them.

They came up a creative solution. Instead of putting Schon’s parents in a nursing home or hiring a caregiver, they decided to make a few modifications to their home so that his parents could move in with them.

They decided to do some renovations to their own home. They tore out walls in their basement which used to be a recreation room. They removed all their games and activities which were a part of their regular lives. This include a karaoke machine and even a pool table.

They made some sacrifices but they knew that it would be more than worth it. The basement was completely transformed into a suite for Schon’s parents. They even went as far as to supply it completely with everything they could need.

Take a look at this video as George and Bonnie are surprised with their new “home”. Bonnie becomes very emotional and even cries a little, but that is to be expected.

Source:tiphero.com, apost.com