Home Quiz This Tricky Riddle Is Stumping The Internet! Can You Answer It?

This Tricky Riddle Is Stumping The Internet! Can You Answer It?

3 men enter a room riddle is one of the internet’s most baffling riddles for quite some time now. Here is a look at the three men enter a room riddle answer with an explanation.

3 men walk into a room,
but only 2 walks back out.
When you look back into the room, nobody is there.
How is that possible?

The correct answer to “3 men enter a room riddle” is:

The third man is in a wheelchair so he rolls out of the room instead of walking out.

As now we know the right answer to this tricky riddle, so lets try to explain the solution. first, let us read the riddle statement once again. The riddle says “Three men enter a room but only two walk out. The room is empty. Where is the third man?”.

Here if you read the first sentence carefully, it says that 3 men enter a room but only 2 of them walk out. Nowhere in the riddle is mentioned that the men walked into the room. and in the second part of the riddle its mentioned “two walk out”. This means that 2 men walked out of the room. Therefore we can clearly say that the 3rd man came out of the room in a Wheel Chair.