Home News This real-life Rapunzel has brown hair that is 90 inches long and...

This real-life Rapunzel has brown hair that is 90 inches long and long enough to reach the ground when she walks.

The woman, who goes by the name of a real-life Rapunzel, devotes all her time to caring for her hair, which has become her profession as she earns a living by cultivating and showcasing her long hair.

Flowing to a staggering 90 inches, Alia Nasyrova, 33, said that it took two decades to grow her hair to a length similar to the hair of her favorite fairy tale character, Rapunzel.


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According to the Latvian-born woman, she began growing her hair due to her strong affinity for long hair since childhood. She further describes herself as a “model with exceptionally long hair” and proudly claims the title of “Queen of super long hair” due to her passion for lengthy locks, often associated with heroines from fairy tales.

Nasyrova, who supports herself through modeling on her website that provides exclusive content to paying supporters, expresses her aspiration by stating, “I envision exploring the world, seeking out girls with long hair, sharing their stories, and showcasing this beauty, which I consider to be an art.”

The long-haired beauty’s art is a high-maintenance masterpiece, requiring an hour of daily washing, a day of air drying, and when she leaves her home, her hair needs its own day bag, packed with 22 pounds of liquids that include shampoo, conditioner and other hair accessories.

She also treats her soft brown locks to hair exercises on a yoga mat.


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Bài viết do Long Hair ❤️ (@aliia_more) chia sẻ

Nasroya’s husband, Ivan Balaban, expressed his fondness for her long brown locks but humorously mentioned that he tries to avoid getting involved in her hair affairs, quite literally.

“I am always cuddling up the wall to give more space for hair, so there is no way I can damage it accidentally, mix them up or harm it any other way,” he shared in a 2017 interview.

“I always talk to the braid respectfully. Sometimes I ask it to move a bit.”

Having hair long enough to sweep the ground behind can sometimes be tricky.


“When I was a child and involved in theater, someone carelessly left gum in my hair, and it was truly a calamity,” Nasyrova recalled. “To remove the gum, I had no choice but to cut out a section of my hair because it was extremely hard.”

Despite her remarkably long hair, the Latvian woman, Nasyrova, does not hold the title for having the longest hair on record.

According to the Guinness World Records (GWR), China’s Xie Qiuping, who started growing her hair when she was 13 in 1973, broke records with her hair raising length of 18 ft 5 in.

GWR reports that her “hair is almost as long as an adult male giraffe is tall.”

Most of us can agree that hair care is complicated enough so we applaud Alia Nasyrova’s patience and dedication in growing her luscious long locks!

What are your thoughts on extremely long hair? Would you be up for the challenge, or do you prefer a more manageable length for your own hair?