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Things that devil fears: Here’s why and how to use salt and water before bedtime

Things that devil fears: Here’s why and how to use salt and water before bedtime

Salt is a sign of cleansing, of removing what is corrupt, and of becoming an agent for dealing with what is harmful. This is mentioned in Scripture (2 Kings 2:19-22), where water is healed and purified after salt is released into it, as well as in Luke 14:34-35, where Jesus mentions salt.

Meanwhile water is a symbol of satisfying thirst (Mark 9:41) and is also used in cleansing. It is even used as a metaphor of Jesus Himself when referring to the living water in His conversation with the Samaritan woman in John 4:9-14. It satisfies, refreshes, and can symbolize the release of new life.

The Bible makes several references to water. There was a growing tradition of using salt and water as a visual means of tackling corruption and releasing new life in the early Church. Oil is used in a variety of ways in Scripture, including anointing, releasing, and healing.

Our custodianship as stewards of God’s land can at times involve using all these elements as a visual indication of what we are praying through in our areas of responsibility.

When proper protocol is paired with a biblical interpretation of land that can be redeemed and healed (cf. Leviticus 25:23-24; 2 Chronicles 7:14), the effects we have personally experienced are astounding!


– Step 1: Take some warm water and put it in Basin

– Step 2: Add some salt into the water

– Step 3: Pray for the water and salt. Tell God you want to use it as prophetic tool and through it, ask God to cleanse you other needs you may have. Ask God to destroy every work of enemy using the same

– Step 4: You can take a shower without using soap.

NOTE: Salt and water can be used as prophetic tools for christians and CANNOT be substituted as small gods. It is God who works and heals not water or salt