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They arrest a couple because the white dress was stolen from her future husband’s ex

They arrest a couple because the white dress was stolen from her future husband’s ex

The wedding day is the most important in the life of the couple who decide to go this route. Both the groom and the bride prepare months and months in advance to choose the place for the religious or civil ceremony, the restaurant where the reception will take place, as well as the menu for the many guests and the clothes to wear. It may be easier for the groom, but for the bride, in addition to the traditional white dress, there are many other things to organize and take into account well in advance.

Instead, today we want to tell an amazing story that has two newlyweds and a mutual friend as protagonists, who wanted to share her story on Reddit to understand if she was the villain of the situation or not. In short, this girl was very good friends with the ex-wife of the man who was about to remarry and also with the man himself; after a few years of marriage, her friend broke up with him after she found out that she had been cheated on, but when she got home to get her things, she noticed that some jewelry and her white dress were gone. At first, it really seemed impossible that the man had stolen them.

Years later, the protagonist who told this whole story on Reddit was invited to the man’s second wedding, and when she attended the ceremony she couldn’t help but notice that the bride’s white dress was very similar, if not almost identical to the ex, her dear. friend. All she did was take a picture of the white dress and send it to the woman, the real owner of the dress…

Immediately, the ex recognized the white dress that was missing from the house, as well as her jewelry, thanked her friend who had been invited to the wedding for sending her that photo and immediately called the police. An hour later, agents intervened during the reception, politely asked the new bride to follow them to the police station and leave the white dress and jewelry she was wearing that day at the warehouse because it had been stolen years earlier. As the girl who told the story concluded, now her fiance no longer speaks to her and considers her a true “traitor” for having ruined her marriage because of a photo taken with her cell phone.

“AITA for ruining my work colleagues wedding and getting them arrested?

The title sounds bad, but hear me out.

I (38f) had 2 work colleagues, Mary and Adam (both in their late 20s-early 30s). Mary started in the company first and then she got Adam to join, they worked in different departments and Mary was in mine. Later, Mary left the company to pursue another carrier. When they started at the company, they were already married for a few years.

Now Mary is the kindest and loveliest person I’ve ever met. She was always polite, helpful and would cheer anyone up. We missed her dearly. So it came to a shock when we found out she is divorcing Adam because he has cheated on her. I have called her to express how sorry I am that this has happened to her and we were talking almost daipy ever since. I was impressed how well Mary holds herself in such situation, she wouldn’t bad mouth Adam and the only thing she mentioned was how her wedding dress and a few family heirlooms went missing when she was moving her stuff from their apartment. She thought they might be misplaced in a different box and will turn up eventually.

A few years passed, I now work in the same department as Adam. He is a good work colleague but can be dismissive and ignorant sometimes. Adam invited me to his wedding with the lady, “Chelsea” he cheated on Mary with. As the entire department was invited, I said yes, making sure Mary is OK with this. I’ve also told her where the wedding will be. (It’s not too far from where she lives and we could go for some drinks after if she wanted to)

On the day of Adams wedding, I have noticed that Chelsea is wearing a similar dress that Mary worn in the photos of hers and Adams wedding years ago. So without thinking I have snapped a picture and send it to Mary with the caption saying: “doesn’t this dress looks familiar?”. Mary saw the message but she didn’t respond and about an hour later the police shown up at the venue.

I need to add the police in our country is ruthless and any theft is considered a criminal matter for the police to deal with. Police has asked Chelsea to take the dress and all the jewellery off, Chelsea refused and started arguing with them, and then Adam joined in. As they were rude to the police, they were taken to the police station. Everyone at the wedding had to leave. I have tried to call Mary but she wouldn’t pick up the phone.

As we found out later Chelsea was wearing Mary’s wedding dress and her heirlooms, Mary spotted them on her in the picture I sent to her and called the police. Apparently, she has previously asked Adam if he had them, and he declined, saying he never saw them. So after she saw the picture she knew he was lying and stole them. Chelsea had to leave the wedding dress and jewelery at the police station and go home wearing her underwear and Adams jacket after they were bailed out.

Yesterday Adam returned to the office and went completely mental at me, blaming me for sending a picture to Mary and ruining his wedding, he would also call me an asshole for what I did.”

Many of the users decided to take the side of the faithful friend who recognized the dress and the jewelry and its rightful owner, others said they would prefer the bride to be reported for theft after the wedding day, so as not to spoil the happy event.

And you, what would you have done?

Source:reddit.com, olhaquevideo.com.br