Home Spirituality These 4 Zodiac Signs Make Fake LOve Confessions Just To Seduce You

These 4 Zodiac Signs Make Fake LOve Confessions Just To Seduce You

These 4 Zodiac Signs Make Fake LOve Confessions Just To Seduce You

1. Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Cancer would prefer to experiment physically before making a commitment to someone. Should their lover be hesitant, they would not shy away from offering false love just to hasten intimacy.
2. Virgo (August 23-September 22)

When Virgo people becomes mature, they are often the epitome of grace and kindness.They take consent seriously and never play around with matters of the heart. However, this is in stark difference with the behavior of a young an immature Virgo who is driven by their hormones. Many young Virgos have only physical intimacy on their minds. They would lie through their teeth and pretend to profess love to attain it.

3. Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

People of Sagittarius are quite feminine and enjoy wooing their mate. When they like someone, they may jump the gun and convince their lover of the presence of deep feelings even though their heart says otherwise. Such declarations may win them a night of passion, but they ultimately lose their lover’s heart.

4. Aries (March 21-April 19)

People belonging to Aries see relationships as a give and take. If they spend time, effort and money on their date, they sometimes expect intimacy. In fact, they use flattery and words of love to win their date over. The Aries’ feelings may be shallow but they may still profess love everlasting for selfish gains.