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The women of these 5 zodiac signs are the most fierce! Are you on the list?

The women of these 5 zodiac signs are the most fierce! Are you on the list?

The five zodiac signs that are the fiercest

We live in times of an unpredictable future and mental strength seems to be the only way out to combat the clouds of uncertainty. It is important to note that good mental health does not only mean the absence of any kind of mental illness, but also includes being calm in the face of adversity, dealing with situations with healthy defense mechanisms, and not projecting your anger and frustration onto your family and colleagues.

However, some people are just born with a higher EQ (emotional quotient) and are inherently better equipped to handle stressful situations. These fierce and stubborn individuals have a significant advantage over others, as they not only have a strong hold on their thought processes, but also know how to channel their anxiety and fear into something productive. Listed below are the five zodiac signs whose women are the most fierce and mentally strong!

1. Leo

Yes, the female counterpart of the king of the astrological universe has to be at the top of the list. When the lioness enters any room, all eyes are expected to be on her because of her innate confidence. She is one of the most determined people you would ever meet and once she sets her eyes on something, rest assured that it is a done deal. This is the reason why women of these zodiac signs make for commendable leaders and managers. They not only know how to achieve a goal, but also have the rare ability to inspire everyone to follow their example. In short, the Leo woman has ticked all the boxes of being the fiercest sign of the zodiac, and we’re here for it!

2. Virgo

The cool-headed Virgo is not exactly what most people imagine when they read the word “fierce” and this is where they are wrong. A woman with a Virgo zodiac sign is as fierce as they come and her unquestionable work ethic and dogged dedication to her goals makes her indecipherable. With their down to earth and polite demeanor, it’s easy to mistake a Virgo woman for a pushover, but that’s far from the truth. Unlike most zodiac signs, a Virgo doesn’t really need to shout from the hilltop that they are strong. A Virgo woman’s strength is visible in the quiet ways in which she stands strong for others, even when her own world is falling to pieces. She is not the one who has to cry or complain, she is the queen of multitasking, who knows how to plaster on a smile when the show needs to go on.

3. Sagittarius

If there is only one defining characteristic of this water sign, it would be her relentlessly positive approach to life. When everything else goes wrong, you can count on a Sagittarius woman to see the shimmering silver lining and lift everyone’s spirits. When it’s not her wit and sarcasm that’s saving the day, it’s her innate ability to turn a negative situation on its head that ranks her as one of the strongest women in the zodiac universe. If we wonder how a Sagittarius woman seems unfazed by the most dire situations, it’s because being in a difficult situation simply doesn’t bother her anymore, as she’s seen worse.

4. Capricorn

A Capricorn woman will take pride in her accomplishments and you can’t make her second guess her own success. She won’t take no for an answer when she wants to do a job and knows the importance of self-esteem and confidence. The part of her zodiac sign that makes her truly fierce is that she doesn’t need anyone to tell her where she belongs or validate her emotions. Her healthy ego is one of the biggest reasons she can recover from a negative mood very quickly. A Capricorn woman knows her worth. Period.

5. Capricorn

The bull of the zodiac universe is the living example of when the going gets tough, the tough get going. So essentially, no matter what life throws at you, you turn out to be victorious in the end. The bright part of her and the stubborn part of her ensure that she leaves no battle halfway. She has a reservoir of strength and is not afraid to pull out her claws if the situation calls for it. Ultimately, when it comes down to the strongest and fiercest woman of the zodiac sign, rest assured that it will be the Taurus woman giving stiff competition to the lioness of the zodiac universe.
