Home relationship The Smartest Ways To Handle A Nagging Partner

The Smartest Ways To Handle A Nagging Partner


We often tend to be around a nagging partner for long. But finding the right trigger and good communication is the key to deal with it.

When you are in a relationship, it is important for you to respect your partner’s wishes and give each other priority. When two people get together to make a life, it is the merger of two different, opposing, characters and personalities. Some accept their partner as they are, while others tend to find faults. In addition, such people end up nagging their partners day and night. If you can relate to this, below we will share some tips on how to deal with a nagging partner.

1. Practice to be quiet

If you have a nagging partner, chances are that staying quiet might not go down well with you. Well, you have got to put aside ego and calm down.

Keep in mind that your partner isn’t mad, and so they must be protesting about something and the only way they know to do this is to nag. As such, you both cannot be mad at the same time. That is why you have to listen to your partner. Know what they want to say and acknowledge it.

2. Communicate with them

After the situation is calm; this might be hours later, or even the next day, then now is a good time to talk things over with your partner.

This might be hard for some partners especially if they have pride issue, but the truth remains you want the matter resolved (For the sake of love), which is why you want to make peace. Hence, put aside pride and let your partner know how annoying their nagging habit is and how you so do not like it.

Remember you are passing this information across when tempers are cool, so be sure you pass the message across with love and respect.

3. Make amends

It’s important to see to those things that causes him or her to nag. This means that you have got to adjust whatever it is that makes you step on his or her nerves. For instance; if your habit is driving him or her nuts, then do seek of ways to curb them. Working on such things might make you have your partner back real soon. The idea is to replace bad with good.

4. Be a Great Listener

Listen more than you talk; this way you will be able to read some sensitive lines on the wall and know how not to bring the nag out in your partner at all times.

5. Take a break when emotions are high

Relationships and marriages aren’t a bed of roses. Therefore, you have got to realize that there are times when there would be tempers going high and outside the door. You have got to realize that there are also times when you both cannot be raging mad; this is why a partner should take a break to douse the atmosphere.

This could be in form of taking a walk, taking a nap, and what have you. The idea is so that you are refreshed and have been able to clear your head off the scenario. When you do this, you become refreshed enough to tackle the matter of ground.