Home Life The Richest Wealth is “Wisdom”

The Richest Wealth is “Wisdom”

To each person, the things that are most valuable in their life are very different. It depends on each person’s point of view, purpose, and way of feeling. But there are things that are precious to everyone in common.

That is the most valuable wealth which is Wisdom. We learn things from our very young age until we get old. As a result, we become wiser and understand more about life.

That is the most powerful weapon which is “Patience “. Patience helps you pursue the problem to the end, and get worthy results.

That is the safest thing which is “Faith “. Having faith in people, in life, and in yourself, you will find this life incredibly safe and reliable.

That is the most precious tonic which is ” Laughter “. Laughter will eliminate all tiredness. Laughter will connect everyone together and make it closer Wisdom, patience, faith and laughter are things we can practice on our own. All are “free”