Home Tricks-Tips The recipe that saved my life 17 years ago: How I defeated...

The recipe that saved my life 17 years ago: How I defeated a tumor in the liver and colon

Seventeen years ago, I faced a challenging health situation, diagnosed with tumors in the liver, colon, and uterus. During my surgical journey, a remarkable recipe was shared with me by my doctor. This concoction, which I diligently prepared and consumed, played a crucial role in my recovery. The results were astounding – subsequent tests showed that the tumor had vanished. This recipe not only helped me avoid further surgery but also became a staple in my life for ongoing well-being.

A Recipe for Health and Healing

Here, I share this life-altering recipe, laden with natural ingredients, each contributing its unique healing properties.


  • 15 heads of garlic
  • 15 lemons
  • 500g each of ground walnuts, hazelnuts, dried figs, dried plums, white grape raisins, red grape raisins
  • 500g organic wheat
  • 1kg homemade honey

Preparation Method:

  • Wheat Preparation: Wash the wheat with warm water nine times, then soak it overnight in fresh water. The next day, drain and blend the wheat.
  • Lemon and Fruit Preparation: Chop the figs and plums into small pieces. Squeeze the juice from 10 lemons and finely grind the remaining 5 lemons with their peel.
  • Mixing Ingredients: In a large bowl, combine all the ingredients, including the peeled garlic. Use a wooden spoon for homogenization.
    Final Steps: Wear a glove and mix the ingredients thoroughly to achieve a dense, dough-like consistency. The mixture can be stored and used for about a month.

A Note of Caution

While this recipe has been a personal lifesaver, it’s crucial to remember that it cannot replace medical diagnosis or professional treatment. Always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new health regimen or making decisions about your health.

Embark on a Journey of Healing

This recipe is more than just a blend of ingredients; it’s a testament to the power of natural remedies in promoting health and healing. It’s a symbol of hope and resilience, a reminder that sometimes, the answers we seek are nestled in the simplicity of nature. If you’re on a quest for health restoration, consider this recipe as a potential ally in your journey.