Home Funny The Most Romantic Ways To Make The First Move on Your Partner

The Most Romantic Ways To Make The First Move on Your Partner

The Most Romantic Ways To Make The First Move on Your Partner

1. Whisper it in their ear

This is a classic, but it’s still great.

Whispering that you want to make love is incredibly intimate, and it can make your partner feel like you’re talking just to them.

It also adds a little bit of mystery and anticipation — they’ll wonder what you’re going to say, and then when they hear it, it will be even more exciting.

2. Send flowers with an attached note

Flowers are always romantic — but sending them with an attached note about how much you miss your partner’s body will make your message even more romantic than usual.

3. Look them in the eyes and tell them

You can look your partner in the eye and tell them how badly you want them.

Eye contact is a huge part of flirting and getting your message across.

4. Leave a note on the mirror that says, “I want you.”

This is simple and works so well and might even bring up some smiles on your partner’s lips.

5. Hotel invitation

You can go an extra mile by booking a hotel room and leaving an invitation on the bedside table with instructions on how you want to be pleasured when they arrive later that day (or night).

6. Send them a sexy text message

Sending sexy text messages is one of the simplest and commonest to let your partner know your intentions.

It doesn’t have to be long or elaborate, just suggestive enough to arouse their interest.

7. Send a sexy picture

Sending them a sexy picture can be fun and flirty.

You don’t have to send them the same picture over and over again, but if it works out that way, then go for it.

Include a message with the picture to make it more memorable.

Try something like “Can’t wait to see you.” or “I hope you’re having a great day.”

If you want to go all out with this type of proposal, try sending a video instead.


8. Take a bubble bath with them

This is an intimate experience that will bring you both closer together and later for some sexy time.

It also shows that you care about their comfort and well-being.

9. Music and cuddle

Turn on a romantic playlist as you cuddle with your partner on the couch.

Playfully say something like, “I dare you to kiss me somewhere new tonight” while sitting next to each other on the couch watching TV.

10. Get suggestive with your hands

Touching is an important part of flirting and is one of the most effective ways to express love and affection.

It’s also a great way to let your spouse know you want some sexy time with them especially if you touch them in their er0gen0us zones.