Home Life The groom hugging the ‘ex-lover’, the bride kissing the MC for revenge...

The groom hugging the ‘ex-lover’, the bride kissing the MC for revenge caused a storm on TikTok

The clip of the groom hugging the ‘ex-lover’, the bride kissing the MC for revenge caused a storm on TikTok

Wedding is the most important day in a person’s life, so everyone wants it to go smoothly and smoothly. However, recently, the guild is buzzing about a noisy wedding on “tik tok”.

The clip of the bride kissing the MC at the wedding caused a “storm” on TikTok

The bride intentionally irritates the groom by hugging and kissing another man.

The story was posted on Tiktok by a user and received a large amount of interaction from netizens. In the video, the bride smiles brightly, hugging the handsome man holding the microphone and lovingly kissing his cheek, even sticking close to him. Thought it was the groom, it turned out to be just the MC who was hosting the wedding program, unfortunately being dragged into the “grudge and hatred” of the newlyweds. Meanwhile, not far from the bride, the groom was hugging another girl, believed to be his ex.

Feeling “disadvantaged” and humiliated by his wife’s actions, the groom let go of the other girl, forcefully pulling the bride, causing her to fall. The angry bride rushes to push the groom, they argue violently in the middle of the wedding party, although everyone tries to stop it.

By this morning, after a day of posting, the clip had attracted nearly 16.5 million views and tens of thousands of shares and comments from netizens on Tik Tok.

Most of the comments showed sympathy and understanding of the bride’s revenge action and thought that the groom was worth it.

This reaction of the online community, especially women, stems from the “obsession with the name of an ex-lover” – which makes women extremely “allergic”. It is normal for an ex-lover to attend the wedding, but the fact that the groom, despite his wife’s feelings, blatantly hugs his ex-husband shows his lack of respect for the bride and the upcoming marriage. fix their start.


The clip full of the fact that the bride retaliates against the groom at the wedding: Just a male MC – singer troll?

Revealing the full clip of the truth about the bride embracing the male MC revenge on the groom’s intimacy with his ex-lover causing a wedding disturbance?

Regarding the clip of the bride taking revenge on the groom embracing his ex-lover at the wedding, recently, social networks continue to spread another clip that is said to be the full truth of this incident.

Accordingly, the person who posted the clip said that this was just a male MC troll screen – the singer of the show. In the clip, the male MC – the singer intends to leave, but at this moment the bride and groom stand at the door and explain, at this time, another person appears from the inside auditorium, seems to know the couple. couple and male MC – singer, as soon as they saw this person and heard the explanation, everyone burst out laughing and clapping because the troll was staged too elaborately and acted so perfectly.

In the clip that is believed to be the truth of this incident, the bride and groom both laughed and surrounded the male MC – singer of the wedding when he was still bewildered and did not understand what was happening.

Many people have suggested that it should not be such an exaggerated joke, because it will directly affect the happy day of the couple and the person being trolled. In addition, there are still people who are skeptical and think that this may be the beginning of the incident, when the MC – singer was invited.

Source:news.fox-24.com, kenh14.vn, netnews.vn