Home Health The Best Natural Recipe To Remove Uric Acid From Your Joints, Reduce...

The Best Natural Recipe To Remove Uric Acid From Your Joints, Reduce Inflammation And Remove Harmful Toxins From Your Body

In this article, we will share you a drink recipe that will help you to get rid of the uric acid from your joints which causes arthritis. This drink is very effective in reducing the inflammation of your joints and, in removing all the harmful toxins from your body.

If you suffer from arthritis, you should try this natural recipe which will remove the uric acid from your joints, and it will relieve the pain and the inflammation of them, in no time.

How to Make the Recipe?


– 1 medium-sized cucumber
– 1-inch ginger root
– 1 slice of lemon
– 2 celery ribs


– Step 1: Wash these ingredients
– Step 2: Cut the cucumber and the celery into slices.
– Step 3: Put these ingredients into a blender and, mix them on a high speed for a few minutes

You should consume this drink 2 times a day until you notice an improvement.

If you start to feel some mild pain, you should continue to drink this juice because that is a sign that the drink is effective.


This natural drink has numerous health benefits. It has many alkalizing properties and, it is highly recommended for reducing the temperature of your body.he cucumber juice is very helpful in getting rid of uric acid crystals from your joints and, the ginger and the celery, due to their great number of anti-inflammatory properties, are extremely effective in relieving the inflammation of the joints.

Source: healthy-cares13.blogspot.com