Texting a brilliant way to miscommunicate how you feel, and misinterpret what other people mean.
Texting is one of the basic ways for people to communicate with each other. In many aspects, texting is convenient and useful, but it is also a brilliant way to misinterpret your messages and to misunderstand others.
When one content is expressed in different attitudes and emotions, it conveys different meanings. It is not easy for you to express every emotion or message just by a line of words.
You can say I am like this, I feel like that. But no matter how rich your vocabulary is, it is still impossible to replace body language such as eye contact, facial expression, tone, gesture – the most authentic and standard emotional language.
In contrast, when you receive text messages from other people, it is difficult for you to fully grasp what they mean. Perhaps you need to speculate and that speculation is likely to be wrong. The risk of misunderstanding is not low. It is disastrous!
Therefore, you should consider choosing to text in proper circumstances to make sure that you don’t misunderstand others, and others can understand your message.