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Stop Doing These 7 Things Immediately If You Want To Get Rid Of Back Pain

For those who suffer from low back pain or any type of back pain, to be honest, it might seem as if life is passing you by.

A great many people spend the majority of their days sitting. You sit during your commute, you sit all day at the office, you sit to eat lunch, you sit for the commute back home, sit during dinner, and then sit watching Netflix.

All this sitting sounds like a dream, right? But what it is doing to your back is a nightmare. Sitting puts so much pressure on your lower back and spine that it’s no wonder it ends up hurting!

The Worst Part? The worst part about back pain is that once it rears up, it seems so difficult to get rid of! You try changing chairs, you adjust your posture, you rub it, you stand up and stretch, you might even try walking around. Walking feels good for a few minutes, but then it’s back.

How can you get rid of back pain? Stop doing these things if you want to get rid of it

1. Don’t Just Wait For Pain to Get Cured Automatically
It is common among people that they wait for the pain to go away. Don’t follow it anymore, if you are in pain then visit a physical therapist or doctor immediately to treat the issue. You should start the treatment as soon as possible. The pain will not go away automatically you have to get a treatment for it.

2. Don’t Try Passive Treatments
From passive treatments such as heat or ice or ultrasound, you will get temporary relief. But don’t try it on your own. There are many postures and self-care exercise which claims to cure the issue. Give your therapist a chance to decide the exercise and theory suitable to you. Self-help can be hazardous in the case of sciatica or back pain.

3. Don’t Lift Heavy Items
Say big NO to Lifting heavy items as it can lead to low back pain. If lifting heavy items is part of your work then get some help while lifting things up to reduce the chances of lower back pain.

4. Don’t Avoid Exercise
You might be one of those who hates doing exercise, but you should be aware that it is for you own good. Exercise makes the muscles stronger and also improve the blood circulation in the discs and joints. So get up from your sofa and do the exercise to get relief from lower back pain.

5. Don’t Keep your Focus On A Diagnosis
People are so keen to know why they are suffering from lower back pain. But the fact is around 85 % of lower back pain has “non-specific” causes and thus it can’t be determined. There is no test which can 100% find out the cause of your back pain.

6. Repetitive Bending
The action of forwarding bending is actually a prime cause of lower back pain, it increases the pressure on your disc present in our back which leads to muscle pain. Thus, avoid the repetitive bending and try to do the backward bending as much as possible. The backward bending exercises are recommended to repair the damage caused due to forward bending.

7. Stop Slouching
Your sitting posture has an impact on your low back health and can be a reason behind the lower back pain. If you seat in slouched position then it creates pressure on discs, joints, and muscles and gradually can lead to low back pain. Learn how to sit in the right way and maintain the posture to eliminate the low back pain. Be aware of the right sitting posture and make an arrangement at the workplace as well as at your home.

So, now just avoid the listed things and get relief from the lower back pain!