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Spending 1,445 Days In Foster Care, 9-YO Girl Was Adopted By Her Former Teacher From 2nd Grade

Loralie, 9, entered into the system at the early age of 4. As you can imagine, that road is no easy one to walk, but thankfully this girl’s journey came to its end. This is because recently she became one of 165 Los Angeles County children who were officially adopted on National Adoption Day.

At the time of Loralie’s adoption, the girl had spent a whopping 1,445 days in the foster care system.

And the most heartwarming thing about the whole story may be Loralie’s new mom. She is Zoe Henry, who was also her second grade teacher.

Reportedly, Henry, from La Verne, said that she knew Loralie was destined to be her daughter from the first moment when the girl walked into her classroom.

Henry said: “She completes our family, she completes our life,”

“She brings such adventure and joy and fun and spunkiness to everything that we do, so it’s perfect. It’s perfect. Don’t cry? OK.”

Due to pandemic, the large-scale adoption event was held virtually for the second year in a row. However, that didn’t make it any less special or meaningful.

In addition, the adoptions were finalized just in time for Thanksgiving, which Henry said Loralie will get to celebrate as part of her new family.

Source: Newsner, abc7.com