Home Tricks-Tips Soft, fragrant cloths without fabric softener – that’s the secret

Soft, fragrant cloths without fabric softener – that’s the secret

You want to get soft, fragrant cloths without fabric softener? It’s possible, with this little secret you can put into practice right away.

Scented, soft cloths

To make clothes smell nice, soft and even cleaner, a classic and normal practice is to buy fabric softener It’s said to be a kind of balm and will work on textures on purpose, so as to protect them and make them even more beautiful. Yet there are many people who don’t want to use these chemicals, both for environmental reasons and for guaranteed budget savings. If you want soft, fragrant cloths without fabric softener, here’s the natural, easy-to-practice secret.

How does fabric softener work?

Before understanding how to replace fabric softener with all-natural ingredients, let’s find out together what its functionality is. As mentioned, it’s a conditioner that’s added to laundry specifically to soften and perfume fibers.

It aims to spread out clothes and eliminate wrinkles as soon as they dry naturally: they are very soft to the touch and have a very good aroma on the nose. The force of the water makes the fabric fibers rigid, and during drying, the classic crease is created. Fabric softeners are also designed for different types of fabric, but they always contain unnatural, corrosive ingredients.

This means that the wrong dose will damage the garment, and it’s a product that pollutes the environment use after use. Another characteristic of fabric softeners is that they are perfumed: adding aromas is also chemical and harmful to the environment.

Many people would like a natural remedy to match the classic fabric softener, so they can save the environment – the fabrics and also the wallet.

Soft clothes without fabric softener: natural remedies

As mentioned earlier, when it comes to washing clothes, laundry detergent and fabric softener come to mind. The former removes stains, the latter softens clothes and makes them fragrant.

Abuse, as has already been widely asserted, not only ruins plots, but is also highly polluting. The secret is to use three natural ingredients as an alternative, rich in properties and benefits for fabrics (and they’re non-polluting):

Vinegar was the natural fabric softener of grandmothers, when there were none of today’s chemicals. It can disinfect, soften, sanitize and eliminate all unpleasant odors. Its features also include the ability to reduce static electricity that builds up during washing;

Baking soda, a natural ingredient with a thousand uses. In this case, it’s used to eliminate unpleasant odors and make laundry very soft, to be combined with lemon or white wine vinegar for a perfect end result;

Baking soda

Citric acid, another alternative to vinegar and chemical fabric softener. It gives a never-before-experienced softness and a clean, natural fragrance to try. Simply mix 100 grams of citric acid with one liter of distilled water. Pour the solution into the special fabric softener drawer and that’s all there is to it.