Home Health She puts a little vinegar into the back of the toilet. When...

She puts a little vinegar into the back of the toilet. When finding out why, you’ll do the same for the rest of your life

Put a little vinegar into the back of the toilet. When finding out why, you’ll do the same for the rest of your life

When it comes to cleaning, cleaning the bathroom is one of the jobs no one wants to do. ever because it takes us a lot of time. In fact, bathroom is the playground for bacteria and germs. There are dirty mirrors, soap scum, hard water stains, grimy toothbrush, grimy soap holders, and the toilet. Fortunately, there are many effective tips and trick that can help you.

Watch this video and see how to clean your bathroom easy. It will look like new with the help of vinegar. As an eco-friendly ingredient , vinegar is amazing for killing bacteria, mold, germs, and lime deposits. You are free to use it in your entire toilet. There is no need to buy harsh cleaning chemicals.

Here is what you need to do:

Pour some vinegar into the top bowl and let it do its magic. You may also spray it and then wipe the rim of the toilet bowl. Afterwards, take some paper towel and soak it in vinegar, stuff it on the inside rim and let it stay for couple of minutes. Take your toilet scrub and spray the inside part of the bowl with vinegar, giving it a good scrub. Once you take the toilet paper out, scrub the inside grim with an old toothbrush and finally flush the toilet.

Watch some more tips on the video below.