Home Health Sᴛʀᴏᴋᴇ can occur at any time or age. Here’s the first signs!...

Sᴛʀᴏᴋᴇ can occur at any time or age. Here’s the first signs! DON’T ignore them

Strokes are among the top five causes of dєαth, but even if a stroke doesn’t lead to dєαth, it can still cause lifelong damage. What’s more, once a stroke begins, every second counts, so it’s vital that help is sought out as quickly as possible. In order to act fast, you need to know what a stroke is, what it can do, and what signs to be on the lookout for so that no time is wasted. Thankfully, while strokes are a very serious and ʟɪғᴇ-ᴛʜʀᴇᴀᴛᴇɴɪɴɢ ᴄᴏɴᴅɪᴛɪᴏɴ, there are several indicators that can serve as ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ sɪɢɴᴀʟs for those who are aware of them.

What is a stroke?

A stroke is an attack on the brain caused by damage to or clots within the blood cells. It can occur at any time or age. There are two kinds of stroke:

+ Ischemic – Occurs when a clot is blocking blood flow to the brain, cutting off the oxygen supply to affected brain cells
+ Hemorrhagic – Occurs when a blood vessel bursts, bleeding into brain tissue and damaging brain cells

A stroke can be mild or severe. However, if the stroke victim is unable to get help in time, brain cells may be deprived of oxygen and permanently damaged, which will in turn damage bodily functions controlled by those brain cells. Therefore, it is important to recognize the early signs of prevention and healing. Here are the first symptoms of a stroke that you should not ignore.

The first warning signs of a stroke

– Numbness or weakness in your face, arms or legs especially on one side.

The face may have fallen on one side, and the person may not be able to smile, or the mouth and eyes may fall. Your arms may also fall asleep, and you may not be able to lift them.

– Trouble walking

You may experience problems walking, maintaining balance, and staying coordinated.

– Struggle in speech

The person will have trouble speaking, his speech may be unreadable, or even not be able to speak. They also present problems or confusion in the understanding of others.

– Vision damaged

You may not see clearly and experience blurred vision in one or both eyes

– Dizziness

The other severe symptoms are loss of consciousness, complete paralysis on one side of the body and shortness of breath. If you have one or more of these symptoms, you should consult your doctor immediately.

– Severe headache

You will experience a severe sudden headache, which may not have suffered before, for any reason.

What causes a stroke?

– Age

It is true that having a calm rhythm of life, eating healthy and keeping your emotions calm, reduces the risk of having a stroke. However, special care must be taken if you are between 55 and 85 years of age.

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There is also a call for attention for men. In most cases the males are more likely to suffer from a stroke. Although women also suffer from the attack, men have a higher survival rate.

– Genetics

Another thing, the family history comes with the genetics of some families, so it is in the cells. Some members of a family may have a genetic tendency and be predisposed to stroke.

– Hypertension

It is recognized as the most powerful risk factor, especially in people before 80 years. In case you suffer from high blood pressure, it is time to take it to a normal state or control it in order to avoid an attack on the brain.

– Cigarettes

Certainly those who smoke cigarettes are closer to having a stroke, since it doubles the possibilities. This is due to the accumulation of substances in the blood and reduction of the amount of oxygen. When you stop smoking, you will also be less likely to have lung cancer or any respiratory deficiency.

References: vitalheartandvein.com